CSM to a Source Mod

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About CSM

Detailed Explanation of what CSM is can be located here


this will be a detailed guide on how to implement celisej567's version of CSM since the guide on their GitHub repository is not detailed and is hard to follow

How to implement

  1. you must use Mapbase Mapbase 7.x source code only else the CSM will not work
  2. after downloading Mapbase Mapbase src copy the server and client folders from the repository to your own computer, the files inside have to be moved to your sp|mp/game/ directory
  3. go to your server directory and open server_base.vpc with any text editor and add $Include "$SRCDIR\game\server\csm.vpc" after the line $Include "$SRCDIR\game\server\server_mapbase.vpc" if you can not find this file place $Include "$SRCDIR\game\server\csm.vpc" near where most vpc files are
  4. now go to the client directory and open client_base.vpc and add the line $Include "$SRCDIR\game\client\csm.vpc" after $Include "$SRCDIR\game\client\client_mapbase.vpc" if you can not find this line please add $Include "$SRCDIR\game\client\csm.vpc" where most .vpc files are listed
  5. go back to your src directory and launch the creategameprojects.bat and compile your source mod
  6. Copy materials folder from the repository to the compiled mod
  7. open Steam library folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\) and in Source SDK Base 2013 (Multiplayer or Singleplayer) folder go to bin and copy the fgd/csm.fgd from the repository to the bin folder
  8. find the halflife2.fgd file and open it with any text editor, and add @include "csm.fgd" at the end of the file
  9. Now restart hammer and you will have the env_cascade_light entity