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This is source code for CAreaPortalOneWay, an areaportal that is only open when the player is a certain side of its plane. It is useful in brightly-lit windows that can be seen out of but not into.

Tip.pngTip:If the player needs to walk through the portal, func_areaportalwindow is a better choice.


June 11 2009
Complete rewrite. Any maps using the earlier version of the entity must be re-compiled.
  • Support open/closed state
  • One-way functionality can be toggled
  • One-way direction can be inverted
  • Can be grouped by mapper to share a single state with other portals, reducing calculations
  • Can be set to avoid 'latency pop' when crossing plane
  • Requires access to private members CFuncAreaPortalBase::m_AreaPortalsElement and CAreaPortal::m_state
June 9 2008
Initial release.

C++ code

Paste this at the end of \game\server\func_areaportal.cpp (as there is no header file to #include).

Note.pngNote:You must to grant access to CFuncAreaPortalBase::m_AreaPortalsElement and CAreaPortal::m_state before this code will compile. The best way to do so is to move both from private access to protected.
// An areaportal that automatically closes and opens depending on the direction of the client.
class CAreaPortalOneWay : public CAreaPortal // CAPOW!
	DECLARE_CLASS( CAreaPortalOneWay, CAreaPortal );

	Vector	 m_vecOpenVector;
	bool	 m_bAvoidPop;
	bool	 m_bOneWayActive;
	void Spawn();
	void Activate();
	int  Restore(IRestore &restore);
	bool UpdateVisibility( const Vector &vOrigin, float fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bool &bIsOpenOnClient );

	void InputDisableOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata );
	void InputEnableOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata );
	void InputToggleOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata );
	void InputInvertOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata );

	void RemoteUpdate( bool IsOpen );

	bool m_bRemotelyUpdated;
	bool m_bRemoteCalcWasOpen;
	CHandle<CAreaPortalOneWay> m_hNextPortal; // This get saved to disc...
	CAreaPortalOneWay* m_pNextPortal; // ...while this gets used at runtime, avoiding loads of casts

	void UpdateNextPortal( bool IsOpen );

	// These two are irrelevant once the entity has established itself
	string_t m_strGroupName;
	Vector	 m_vecOrigin_; // The portal won't compile properly if vecOrigin itself has a value, but it's okay to move something in at runtime

LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_areaportal_oneway, CAreaPortalOneWay );

	DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_vecOpenVector, FIELD_VECTOR, "onewayfacing" ),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bAvoidPop, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "avoidpop" ),
	DEFINE_KEYFIELD_NOT_SAVED( m_vecOrigin_, FIELD_VECTOR, "origin_" ),
	DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "DisableOneWay", InputDisableOneWay ),
	DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "EnableOneWay", InputEnableOneWay ),
	DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "ToggleOneWay", InputToggleOneWay ),
	DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "InvertOneWay", InputInvertOneWay ),

void CAreaPortalOneWay::Spawn()
	// Convert our angle from Hammer to a proper vector
	QAngle angOpenDir = QAngle( m_vecOpenVector.x, m_vecOpenVector.y, m_vecOpenVector.z );
	AngleVectors( angOpenDir, &m_vecOpenVector );

	m_bOneWayActive = true;
	m_bRemotelyUpdated = false;


void CAreaPortalOneWay::Activate()
	// Optimisation: share open/closed value for CAPOWs with the same GroupName.
	if (m_strGroupName != NULL_STRING)
		// m_AreaPortalsElement is a private member of CFuncAreaPortalBase. If this can't be changed, 
		// replace with g_AreaPortals.Find(this). DEFINITELY DO NOT use m_portalNumber!
		for( unsigned short i = m_AreaPortalsElement; i != g_AreaPortals.InvalidIndex(); i = g_AreaPortals.Next(i) )
			CAreaPortalOneWay* pCur = dynamic_cast<CAreaPortalOneWay*>(g_AreaPortals[i]);

			if ( pCur && pCur != this && strcmp( STRING(m_strGroupName),STRING(pCur->m_strGroupName) ) == 0 )
				m_pNextPortal = pCur;
				m_hNextPortal = pCur;


int CAreaPortalOneWay::Restore(IRestore &restore)
	if ( m_hNextPortal.IsValid() )
		m_pNextPortal = m_hNextPortal.Get();

	return BaseClass::Restore(restore);

// Disable the CAPOW (becomes a normal AP)
void CAreaPortalOneWay::InputDisableOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	m_bOneWayActive = false;

// Re-enable the CAPOW
void CAreaPortalOneWay::InputEnableOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	m_bOneWayActive = true;

// Toggle CAPOW
void CAreaPortalOneWay::InputToggleOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	m_bOneWayActive = !m_bOneWayActive;

// Flip the one way direction
void CAreaPortalOneWay::InputInvertOneWay( inputdata_t &inputdata )

// Recieve a shared state from another CAPOW, then pass it on to the next
void CAreaPortalOneWay::RemoteUpdate( bool IsOpen )
	m_bRemotelyUpdated = true;
	m_bRemoteCalcWasOpen = IsOpen;

// Inline func since this code is required three times
inline void CAreaPortalOneWay::UpdateNextPortal( bool IsOpen )
	if (m_pNextPortal)

#define VIEWER_PADDING 80 // Value copied from func_areaportalbase.cpp

bool CAreaPortalOneWay::UpdateVisibility( const Vector &vOrigin, float fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bool &bIsOpenOnClient )
	if (!m_bOneWayActive)
		return BaseClass::UpdateVisibility( vOrigin, fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bIsOpenOnClient );

	if( m_portalNumber == -1 || m_state == AREAPORTAL_CLOSED ) // m_state is a private member of CAreaPortal by default
		bIsOpenOnClient = false;
		return false;

	// Has another CAPOW on our plane already done a calculation?
	// Note that the CAPOW chain is traversed with new values in RemoteUpdate(), NOT here
	if (m_bRemotelyUpdated)
		m_bRemotelyUpdated = false;
		return m_bRemoteCalcWasOpen ? BaseClass::UpdateVisibility( vOrigin, fovDistanceAdjustFactor, bIsOpenOnClient ) : false;

	// ***********************
	// If we've got this far then we're the first CAPOW in the chain this frame
	// and need to calculate a value and pass it along said chain ourselves
	// ***********************

	float dist = VIEWER_PADDING; // Assume open for backfacing tests...
	VPlane plane;
	if( engine->GetAreaPortalPlane(vOrigin,m_portalNumber,&plane) )
		dist = plane.DistTo(vOrigin);	// ...but if we find a plane, use a genuine figure instead.
										// This is done because GetAreaPortalPlane only works for 
										// portals facing the current area.

	// We can use LocalOrigin here because APs never have parents.
	float dot = DotProduct(m_vecOpenVector,vOrigin - GetLocalOrigin());

	if( dot > 0 )
		// We are on the open side of the portal. Pass the result on!
		// The following backfacing check is the inverse of CFuncAreaPortalBase's: 
		// it /closes/ the portal if the camera is /behind/ the plane. IsOpenOnClient
		// is left alone as per func_areaportalbase.h
		return dist < -VIEWER_PADDING ? false : true;
	else // Closed side
		// To avoid latency pop when crossing the portal's plane, it is only 
		// closed on the client if said client is outside the "padding zone".
		if ( !m_bAvoidPop || (m_bAvoidPop && dist > VIEWER_PADDING) )
			bIsOpenOnClient = false;

		// We are definitely closed on the server, however.
		return false;


If you want to attach a prop or func door to a CAreaPortalOneWay, you will need to modify the doors' code so that they search for func_areaportal* (with a wildcard).

CBasePropDoor::UpdateAreaPortals, CBaseDoor::UpdateAreaPortals:
  - while ((pPortal = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname(pPortal, "func_areaportal")) != NULL)
  + while ((pPortal = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname(pPortal, "func_areaportal*")) != NULL)


@SolidClass base(func_areaportal) color(0 255 255) = func_areaportal_oneway :	"An areaportal that is only open when viewed from one direction."
	origin_(origin) readonly : "Origin" : : "Point from which the areaportal's location is determined (they are a special case and cannot use the normal value). Read-only."
	group(string) : "One-way group" : : "Optimisation: oneway portals in the same group share a single closed/open state. Use this, for example, on walls full of one-way windows."
	onewayfacing(angle) : "Open direction" : "0 0 0" : "The portal will be open when the player is within 90 degrees of this direction."
	avoidpop(choices) : "Avoid latency pop" : 0 : "Enable this if it becomes noticeable that the portal stays closed momentarily after the player walks past it. The portal will open 80 units in advance." =
		0 : "No"
		1 : "Yes"
	input DisableOneWay(void) : "Disable the one-way behaviour of the portal."
	input EnableOneWay(void) : "Enable the one-way behaviour of the portal."
	input ToggleOneWay(void) : "Toggle the one-way behaviour of the portal."
	input InvertOneWay(void) : "Flip the one-way direction."

See also