The bumbleball is a new Portal 2 puzzle element created by Skotty and Moth. If the bumbleball is outside of the players view it will bounce around every 2 seconds, making a distinctive sound when bouncing. They're very different from spheres, and behave differently from blue painted cubes, making them unique in this aspect.
Download Features
- A normal sphere button specialized for the bumbleballs, not useable with other objects.
- the single bumbleball (model and textures)
- droppers for bumbleballs, dirty and clean
- the .PSD file for custom textures
- bumbleball supports up to 16 skins -- 'skin' values 0-15 in Hammer
Skotty's homepage: Portal 2 instances
1. Put the materials and model folder to Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2\
2. Put the Instances folder to Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\sdk_content\maps\
1. Create a new func_instance
2. For the Vmf Filename' select your downloaded instance vmf's
3. Give it a Fix Up Name
a physics model, with an internal env_shake (this causes it to bounce around by a variable amount)
a env_entity_maker which detects if the player is looking at the ball, and toggles the env_shake
Known Bugs
- For dissolving a bumbleball (for example in toxic water) you have to FireUser4
- Paint will colour the bumbleball, but because it's a normal prop_physics, it won't jump or glide. The use of a prop_physics_paintable fixes that problem, but the ball won't be visibly painted.