Bioh4zard 2

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January 2024
This mod for Left 4 Dead is no longer being developed.
The campaign takes place during the events of Resident Evil 2. The Survivors find themselves following a few hours behind Leon & Claire’s footsteps, and have to once again trek through the infested Streets of Raccoon City and escape the city, which leads them to uncover the destroyed laboratory that lies between them and the escape vehicle out of Raccoon City before it is destroyed by a military missile.
- Uses Many custom models & textures
- Will be adapted for Left4Dead 2
- Comes in 2010 with Co-Op and Versus Mode
- Survival mode features re-compiled maps with newer areas and connecting routes to ensure a fun and balanced gameplay style.
- Features Pathing system & events similiar to those described in Left4Dead 2.
Development history
In March 2009 the first Beta of the campaign was released privatley to a unnamed group of testers. Results were positive and the beta was a great success and one of the very few working campaigns pre-sdk. It has always been the teams motto that the tools are not important, but the tools men themselves. This is why we began work in early 2009.
Since March the team have been hard at work getting the website running however due to unfortunate College Exams with our main website developer, our progress has slowed very slightly. The campaign is fully underway now and almost 2/3 maps are fully completed. There have been many requests for PUBLIC testing, however The campaign is being fully ironed out before the 2010 release.
You will notice that almost all screenshots are / have been removed. These showed incomplete areas and was partially created by another mapper who left the campaign looking rather sloppy and unprofessional. He took the lead in creating the Streets map which was the first ever screenshots, I (Zac-UK) helped out with models occasionally as it began right in the middle of a Microsoft Exam i was Studying for. The original mapper has been dropped from the team and everything re-created from Scratch with a new team of people. Anything that you have seen so far (pre-RPD) is not our final work and is not to be used as a reference.
We currently have 30 NEW screenshots!
- Map 1 - Raccoon City Streets (Midtown)
- Map 2 - Raccoon City Police Department
- Map 3 - Sewers / Factory
- Map 4 - Laboratory Ruins 1
- Map 5 - Laboratory Finale
All 5 Maps are large insize, in fact the twists and turns of the RPD and the spiraling complex building can take you anywhere from 3–4 minutes to run through with NO ZOMBIES. On Beta 1 of the RPD we managed to kill 1,700 zombies.
The first ever glimpse of Raccoon City in L4D!
Release information
- Zac-UK - Environments, Models, Textures, Animations, Sounds
- Voythas - Website Design, Textures & Poster
- Jonmag - Textures & Models
External links
- (Down)
ModDB Profile