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Inline note templates
Template Pages using it
28 August 2024
{{Note}} 6,436
{{Warning}} 1,253
{{Bug}} 1,192
{{Tip}} 1,516
{{Todo}} 1,628
{{Inline note}} 2,188
{{Confirm}} 672
{{Question}} 11
{{Fix}} 170
{{Important}} 459
{{Clarify}} 169
{{Elaborate}} 18
{{Main}} 143
{{Distinguish}} 85
{{Workaround}} 122
{{Seealso}} 145
{{Which}} 2
{{Why}} 38
{{Idea}} 21
{{PlacementTip}} 13
{{Codenote}} 21
{{Altnames}} 35
{{Deprecated}} 109
{{How}} 23
{{Example}} 16
{{Confusion}} 53
{{Thanks}} 7
{{Code Fix}} 9 + 7 (16)
{{Errornote}} 1
{{Vote}} 4

Link to the article that provided the information.

Parameters and Examples

Parameter Description Example Preview
No Parameters Inserts a superscript.
[[Main Page]]{{Main}}
Main Page[Main article]
{{{1}}} The page name to link to.
{{Main|Main Page}}
Main article:  Main Page
{{{2}}} An alternative link text.
{{Main|Main Page|alternate text}}
Main article:  alternate text