Template:Game release

De Valve Developer Community
(Redirigido desde «Template:Game release:es»)
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Icon-Important.pngImportante:This template is slowly being replaced by Template:Software status. We recommend you to use that new template instead, as this template will soon be deprecated.
Info content.png
This template needs translations.

This template does not contain translations for the following languages: Русский (ru), Deutsch (de)
If you are fluent in one of these languages, please help out by translating the text inside this template. This can be done by using the template's /strings subpage or the {{Autolang}} template where appropriate.

Also, please make sure that the article tries to comply with the guía de idiomas alternativos.
Curly brackets white.pngDocumentación de las plantillas
La página de documentación Template:Game release/doc/es no existe.
La documentación en inglés se mostrará en su lugar, pudiendo usar el traductor de Google (o un software similar) para traducir esta página. Si no aparece nada tras este mensaje, es que la documentación no existe ni en inglés.
Este plantilla utilizar un strings subpágina
Segues por favor el formato en este subpágina para agregar traducciones


Este plantilla utilizar un strings subpágina
Segues por favor el formato en este subpágina para agregar traducciones

Some of them are using strings, which are on strings subpage. Please follow the format to add translations for them.
To edit/translate the ProtonDB and the Steam purchase/free download link, please edit the main template itself instead due to a bug which requires workaround.

Warning.pngAviso:Translation are not 100% accurate, some of those are done via Google Translate, it will need some improvements!
Some other languages may not fully translated.


Syntax: {{game release|appid=<game appid>}} Optional: Put {{game release|appid=<game appid>|sys=true|win=true|mac=true|linux=true|note=<insert text here>}} to show all supported systems (Win, Mac, Linux + SteamOS).


Example and preview

See Testcases page for more.

See also

Blank image.pngPendiente: Merging all of these into one templates (currently W.I.P as {{Software status}}).

Software status (unified)

Game release + demo

  • Template:Game release - You are currently viewing this page
  • Template:Game release free - For Games that are released for free.
  • Template:Game demo - For paid games, with a free demo available. Or simply just have a demo-only release available.

Mod release

Delisted games

Software release