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Glass creation (GoldSrc)

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GoldSrc (Half-Life SDK) Level Design
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  • Additive translucency is the most common transparency method for glass, but changing renderamt can also work.
  • Rendermodes "texture" and "additive" always render the brush entity as fullbright, which the non-FGD ZHLT/VHLT KV zhlt_embedlightmap can be used to work around.
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This is a DeepL translation of Glass creation (GoldSrc)/ru with some lingual cleanup. It is not completely formatted, and may have some errors.

This article will walk you through the process of creating a simple glass in the Valve Hammer Editor for the GoldSrc (Half-Life) engine.

Breakable glass

  1. Open the texture browser
  2. Select a glass texture of your choice
  3. Create a brush
  4. Open the Object Properties window (highlight the brush and Ctrl+t)
  5. Change the object class to func_breakable
  6. Ensure the Material type is Glass
  7. Change the FX Amount of the object to modify the transparency of the glass (1-255; 1 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque)
  8. (optional) Change the Strength of the object to modify the amount of damage required to break the glass (higher value is higher "health" of the glass)
  9. (optional) Change Gibs Direction from Random to Relative to Attack
  10. (optional) Change the Render Mode to Additive (from Texture) to change the appearance
Todo: What does Additive actually do?

Unbreakable glass

  1. Open the texture browser
  2. Select a glass texture of your choice
  3. Create a brush
  4. Open the Object Properties window (highlight the brush and Ctrl+t)
  5. Change the FX Amount of the object to modify the transparency of the glass (1-255; 1 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque)
  6. (optional) Change the Render Mode to Additive (from Texture) to change the appearance
Todo: What does Additive actually do?

External links

Twhl hammer emote.png VERC: Glass and Transparency (originally posted on the VERC; mirrored from the original on the TWHL Wiki)
Twhl hammer emote.png Tutorial: Glass
Twhl hammer emote.png Vlatitude: Glass Tutorial
Twhl hammer emote.png Tutorial: Adding Glass to Doors