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An env_portal_path_track beam (top) versus the final effects (bottom)

env_portal_path_track is a point entity available in Portal series Portal series. It is an unfinished variant of path_track which produces a visible light rail along the path. It was presumably meant for the Unstationary Scaffold, but the final game uses regular path_tracks and env_beams for this.

Icon-Bug.pngBug:A func_tracktrain cannot start at an env_portal_path_track. It can still follow them as long as the starting node is a regular path_track.  [todo tested in?]
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Copying an env_portal_path_track in Hammer will not automatically rename it or link the previous node.  [todo tested in?]


Name (targetname) <string>
The name that other entities refer to this entity by, via Inputs/Outputs or other keyvalues (e.g. parentname or target).
Also displayed in Hammer's 2D views and Entity Report.
See also:  Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs available to all entities

Scale Track FX (Track_beam_scale) <float>
The amount to scale the track FX size
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears non-functional  [todo tested in?]
Scale Endpoint FX (End_point_scale) <float>
The amount to scale the endpoint FX size.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears non-functional  [todo tested in?]
Fade Out Endpoint (End_point_fadeout) <float>
Amount of time to fade out the endpoint FX
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears non-functional  [todo tested in?]
Fade In Endpoint (End_point_fadein) <float>
Amount of time to fade in the endpoint FX
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears non-functional  [todo tested in?]
Next Stop Target (target) <targetname>
The next node in the path. This can be another env_portal_path_track, or a regular path_track
Branch Path (altpath) <targetname>
An alternative path_track to be the next node in the path. Useful for making branching paths. Use the ToggleAlternatePath / EnableAlternatePath inputs to make the alternative path active.
New Train Speed (speed) <float>
When the train reaches this path_track, it will set its speed to this speed. This speed must be a positive value that is less than the train's max speed. A value of 0 will cause no change in the train's speed.
Path radius (radius) <float>
Used by NPCs who follow track paths (attack chopper/gunship). This tells them the maximum distance they're allowed to be from the path at this node.
Orientation Type (orientationtype) <choices>
The way that the path follower faces as it moves through this path track.
  • 0 : No change
  • 1 : Face direction of motion
  • 2 : Face this path_track's angles


Disabled : [1]
Fire once : [2]
Branch Reverse : [4]
Disable train : [8]
Teleport to THIS path track : [16]


Cause the track to toggle to/from its alternate path.
Enable the alternate path of the track.
Disable the alternate path of the track.
Cause the track to toggle on/off/
Enable the track.
Disable the track.
Enable the track beam FX
Disable the track beam FX
Enable the endpoint FX
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears non-functional  [todo tested in?]
Disable the endpoint FX
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Appears non-functional  [todo tested in?]


Fired when any entity following this path passes this path_track node.