Category talk:SourceShaderEditor

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This looks incredible! Fantastic work! I look forward to using it. :-) But I'm afraid that the precompiled demo hasn't been packaged up right, it's lacking client/server DLLs and gameinfo. --Artfunkel 13:07, 18 July 2011 (PDT)

Thanks a lot! Yeah you're right, I've put the wrong links there, I'll fix it right now. --Biohazard 13:22, 18 July 2011 (PDT)

Holy crap. Haha. --£cho 13:38, 18 July 2011 (PDT)

Woah, that looks aewsome! I have written directly a News for the community i am in. --Dmx6 14:04, 18 July 2011 (PDT)

BUG: For the Source SDK binaries directory, it truncates long directory names ie: "c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\*******_*******\sourcesdk\bin\source20" --SteveUK 14:40, 19 July 2011 (PDT)

It will (most likely) be fixed in the next update. --Biohazard 11:38, 20 July 2011 (PDT)

Are there any plans to include simpler functions for basic texture transformations such as scroll, maybe something similar to "Panner" like what UDK has? I think it would bring the overall instructions for basic scrolling effects.--MrFourVideoCards 19:15, 19 July 2011 (PDT)
Scrolling can be done quickly per hand though ((Time * float2) + UV), or does 'Panner' maybe offer more than that? I didn't really plan to add more texture transforming nodes, since the current one can be set up to only do certain things - but I should definitely optimize its code at some point. It will always generate a 2d matrix right now and apply it, even when only translation is used etc. --Biohazard 11:38, 20 July 2011 (PDT)

Awesome work, I'm sure the devs at valve are jealous :) Any plans to facilitate making use of shell texturing, and handling multiple passes ? I'm asking because I'll use a lot of shell texturing in my upcoming project, for grass, fur, etc... But, just for the fact that it can write HLSL shader code, its already awesome  :) --psycommando 12:01, 20 July 2011 (PDT)

Thanks! I thought about that already, though since you can't have more than 4 passes anyway it's not even so useful for fur or anything :/. Anyway, I don't think it will happen anytime soon I'm afraid, but it's not impossible... --Biohazard 12:28, 20 July 2011 (PDT)
Oh well, my bad then, I'm not very eperienced with shaders yet, and the fur shader tutorial I was messing around with had one technique10, with 2 pass, one for the actual fur, and the other for the shadows of the fur. So I just assumed it was the generic way to do it. Just never mind it if its not useful. --psycommando 21:22, 20 July 2011 (PDT)

Is there a possibility of adding this to the alien swarm sdk?--Kwp17pitts 09:51, 27 December 2011 (PST)

It's currently not possible to do this; I will have to compile both libraries against respectively updated interfaces and libs first. Also, Alien Swarm does not provide access to tier1, vgui_controls and shader sources iirc, which will make things more complicated on my end (if not impossible). --Biohazard 07:31, 29 December 2011 (PST)

So I've just downloaded this to have a play around (the standalone version), and I have 1 question and 1 problem. The problem first: all VGUI screens/drop down menus are overlayed black while in the canvas area, meaning that I am not sure how to use it, although I will be trying it on a better computer, the hardware its on at the moment is quite old. Picture of this here: [1] The question is how would I go about using the generated source code to make a compiled shader using the SDK shader project in VS? I would prefer to have pre-built shaders if I used them in a mod/project, just to keep it better seperated for debugging purposes. MLSTRM 03:38, 9 June 2012 (PDT)

And which hardware is that exactly? You would take the generated fxc file and set it up the same way as you would do it normally like described here. --Biohazard 10:30, 9 June 2012 (PDT)
Thanks for the response. It's currently on my 5 year old laptop (Yeah I know... It does run HL2 OK though), Integrated graphics, 1.7GHz dual core processor. I should be getting a new laptop soon, but I can try installing it on the more powerful family computer (Crysis-level spec) and see if it's still a problem. It also could be because it's based on the MP codebase (from what I can see), this has caused problems on my laptop in the past. I also tried finding out what panel it was using VGUI_drawtree but I couldn't isolate it easily. Hopefully it is a hardware thing, but this looks like a really helpful tool and I can't wait to try it out properly :) . MLSTRM 10:47, 9 June 2012 (PDT)
I can't tell if that weird black rect is being caused by your hardware but it would definitely break at some point probably. The GPU should at least support shadermodel 2.0b and the RGBA32323232f format for this. However, I never even ran it on < sm3.0 hardware myself actually. Let me know if it runs on your other/new system if possible ;). --Biohazard 11:32, 9 June 2012 (PDT)
So I installed it on my other computer and It works fine, turns out the chipset on my laptop is only shader model 2.0, so not even 2.0b. I have to say its a lot of fun to use, even if I'm not enitrely sure what everything does at the moment :). MLSTRM 23:41, 10 June 2012 (PDT)
Okay, cool. Thanks for reporting back. --Biohazard 02:47, 12 June 2012 (PDT)

Hello There, great job with the port on 2013 sdk, everything is working fine to me :) i just wanted to report you a missing texture Fuzz 19:36, 7 August 2013 (PDT)

"materials/_rt_sedit_skymask.vtf": can't be found on disk