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==<h1 style="background:rgb(255, 41, 77, .15); box-shadow:rgba(255, 41, 77, .15) 0 0 25px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:18px; font-weight:700;">Projects</h1>==
'''My Stuff.'''<br>
I have published many projects, this "category" does not contain all, but some ones...
===<h2 style="background:rgb(122, 122, 122, .15); box-shadow:rgba(122, 122, 122, .15) 0 0 6px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:16px; font-weight:700;">Collaborative</h1>===
'''In which I am directly involved.'''
====<h3 style="background:rgb(255, 255, 0, .15); box-shadow:rgba(255, 255, 0, .15) 0 0 5px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;"> Post-GoldSOURCE</h3>====
It is a singleplayer HL:S modification. It narrates about events occured in 1990-2000s South-West Russia, Caucasus district in particular. Essentially it's two Chechen Wars and individual events happened at mid 2000s. It uses paranoia-based assets and mostly influenced by CS:CZDS.
is a fan-made port of the classic "They Hunger" trilogy of Half-Life mods developed by Neil Manke, which were released between 1999 and 2001. The original games are a series of horror-themed first-person shooter mods that take place in an alternate version of the Half-Life universe.
The "They Hunger: Source" port uses Valve Corporation's Source engine. The project aims to update the original games' graphics, gameplay mechanics, and other features to the modern era while retaining the original games' atmosphere and storytelling.
===<h2 style="background:rgb(66, 170, 255, .15); box-shadow:rgba(66, 170, 255, .15) 0 0 6px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:16px; font-weight:700;">My own</h2>===
'''That I created.'''
====<h3 style="background:rgb(0, 128, 0, .15); box-shadow:rgba(0, 128, 0, .15) 0 0 5px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;">Unified Network</h3>====
====[https://www.moddb.com/mods/from-goldsource-to-source-engine/news/paranoia-source-rebuild PARANOIA: Source (Rebuild)]====
Port (recreation) of the game to a new engine, where there will be early content and other (which was cut).
Port of "Mistake" to the newer Source Engine.  There would be graphical, physical and general enhancements of the gameplay and it would still save that "horror" atmosphere of the mod.
Old mods can often become outdated and incompatible with newer hardware, operating systems, and game engines. This means that the original version of the mod may no longer work on modern computers, or may be buggy and unstable when attempting to run it.
Porting old mods involves updating the code and optimizing it for newer technology so that the mod can run smoothly on modern systems. This can include updating graphics and sound, fixing bugs, and adapting the mod to work with newer engines or game platforms.
===<h3 style="background:rgb(255, 88, 1, .15); box-shadow:rgba(255, 88, 1, .15) 0 0 6px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;">Dead</h3>===
All (before 2021) of these projects were created by me when I didn't have any experience, and they were created as a competition. However, later negative evaluations of others and my awareness of projects quality led to their deletion. I used to be guided mostly by quantity rather than quality, and I've seen others create mods that expand {{hls|4}}. I wanted to do something too, but not just one, but hundreds. That's how the next some mods were born.
====[[IloZation]] (April of 2020)====
What will distinguish this mod from others, it will be the same as most. But you do not know what horrors will await you in the process of game. It was planned to be an open source modification. The mod was built on the motives of {{paranoia|4}}. It had been in development since March 2020, but on April 14 of that year, after posting bad ports, many people started writing negative reviews and my account was banned. This disturbed me. And in a hurry, I decided to create a new account (and to this day it is the same) on which I published this mod as a separate game, released one article about the map, and the map itself. But that was the end of it, this mod was created in parallel with the ports. But after the bad experience to engage in development, I was not strongly motivated. (already in June 2020, the activity globally recovered)
===={{rfsrc|4}} (11-14 April of 2020) ====
This modification (based on {{hlopsrc|4}}) contained ported {{rainfall|4}} Assets. Using the official source files of the maps were unsuccessfully ported maps. The models were not badly ported. Terrible quality of this port is considered that -  I did not work on the scripts of the map, but just ported polygons (and did not configure them). Therefore, the mod contained a lot of negative reviews, as well as video reviews that criticized this product. Several videos of the demonstration were recorded (trailer) and also some peoples made videos about this modification, it's may remain in YouTube.
==== [[Half-Life: Alpha Source]] (April of 2020) ====
The gameplay was chaotic, my map ports were just - porting polygons. This port is still a not poor knockoff though. Playing 2020, I even liked it even though it was a modified {{hls|4}}. It had well ported models and even some maps, it didn't look bad though the scripts were still missing. You could even walk, run around, but aimlessly. Several videos of the demonstration were recorded (trailer).
==== [[Echoes: Source]] (14-17 April of 2020) ====
My successes were only in porting polygons, but not fully customizing the scripts on the map (echoes02). Some models were ported and the HUD was slightly changed. However, the port was not developed further. Several videos were recorded (Demonstration).
==== {{prsrc|4}} (March, April of 2020) ====
[[Image:prs-archive.jpg|thumb|380px|right| Game Art - click to enlarge]]
This project was started several times, pages were recreated. This mod was not a full-fledged port, it was more like a recreation of the original with other people's assets. In fact, was stolen map cs_paranoia (added scripts, etc.) and ported some weapons and characters from PARANOIA (officially allowed). Also used the improved GUI from the XBoX version of {{hl2|4}}. Fun fact, since in this mod - program code was not changed, that is, it was the default {{hl2|4}}. The zombie had a headcrab on his shoulder (Let me remind, in paranoia, zombies do not have headcrabs, they are infected scientists), this strange solution was proposed by one of the mod developer-modeler. Since to cut it out it was necessary to work with the .dll of the mod. Several videos of the demonstration were recorded (trailer, etc).
'''Archive description of the mod:'''</br>
<source lang>❗ PARANOIA: Source ❗
Данная модификация представляет из себя ⟳неофициальный⟳ перенос ⟳оригинального⟳ проекта PARANOIA который первоначально являлся модификацией для Half-Life 1.
Этот проект ⤂не вторичность⤂ и возможности которые будут его отличать приведены здесь.
⇲ Графическая часть изменится и появится новая физика.
⇲ Будет на выбор 2 режима - Кооператив/Одиночный.
⇲ Новые звуки (Старые будут тоже присутствовать)
⇳ Главная особенность в том, что здесь будет не только один официальный сюжет. Мы добавим возможность кампаний и прочего, что не помешало бы игровому процессу.
⇳ В данный момент мы работаем над проектом и его будующим.
Сейчас он в ранней стадии и в открытом доступе вы можете скачать лишь ранний альфа билд.
За разработку отвечает PARANOIA: SPK -> PARANOIA QUARANTINE TEAM -> Modding Collective</source>
<source lang> Как говорится <<Красота требует - Жертв>>
Мы не станем редактировать/менять графику в модификации ради новых полигонов. Поэтому предлагается сделать две версии с возможными графическими улучшениями. Кому будет интересно то я опубликую фотографию с заведомо настроенным ENB.
<<Имею графический баг в КРОТ на cs_paranoia>>
(Повсеместная проблема связанная с текстурами, в следующих бетах это будет исправлено и скорее всего, я поменяю карты и их количества)
<<Вылетает после загрузки, у меня первая версия!>>
(Обязательно надо учитывать что игра полностью не поддерживает STEAM как токовой, поэтому вы не сможете поиграть изапустить её через Steam при помощи sourcemods) [Данный Trouble уничтожен и уже с новой версией билда где другие уровни, вы можете насладиться поддержкой Steam и замечательным GUI/Меню но это ещё в бете]
(В новой версии нету SMG, из-за проблем с текстурами на модели. Данная проблема решена в новых Dev.Билдах которые скоро будут опубликованы)
<<Будущее проекта/Предположение>>
(Мне не хочется повторять судьбу PARANOIA: Source Team, и я обязательно сделаю то что они не смогли доделать, будет ли перенесена старая кампания? - Большинство карт у меня уже давно лежат в файлах Dev.Альфы, где перенесен весь Indust карты из PARANOIA. Но мне нужно знать если вам это понадобиться - Сейчас я работаю над кастомными эпизодами, скоро будет режим со спасением заложников)
<<Код игры >>
(многие заметили что игра напоминает Half-Life 2, такого больше не будет, в релизных вариантах будет присутствовать отдельный код игры (client.dll) С измененной системой бега и остального, стрельба останется прежней, появятся отдельные SNPC)
<<Lua Код>> (Поддержка данного кода не будет включена во все последующие версии Бета и Альфа)</source>
<source lang> Наверное многие кто хоть как-то знаком с российским мод-мейкингом.
Видел довольно качественную модификацию от PARANOIA TEAM - Паранойя.
Я говорю про первую часть, и тут я планирую перевести её не новый движок.
С командой PARANOIA: SPK (Source Porting KAPAHTIN)
1. Если у вас есть различные идеи того что можно было-бы реализовать.
Напишите здесь.
2. Будет ли данный проект простым перекачиванием старых идей? - нет, добавление новых карт.
А так-же функционала.
3. Ремейк? - Будет, в качестве отдельного мода для Source SDK 2007 (Ака ILoZation) </source>
The project has been revived several times. In February, April and June. However, it was never completed.
==== {{cofsrc|4}} (11-13 March of 2020) ====
This porting project is more of a promise than a global work. After creating a page on ModDB there was a good asset, people talked about this project in groups in social networks, many people were interested in the future. Leading the page in MODDB, I created artclips where I talked about the fact that the plan to release only single-player mod (the content was about the following: multiplayer and co-op release is not planned) although the screenshots were presented police and not only. This project rather gave the appearance of seriousness of what was going on, but was only a profit. There was actually a "alpha version" from 2018 released, but it was just a compilation of incomprehensible stuff. A suicide map and one gun (p345) and that with material issues. Where there was nothing more to it. It was more like {{hl2|4}} with minor changes (but weighed over 3gb!) . The outcome of the project is sad, after April 14 - the page was deleted.
===<h3 style="background:rgb(77, 199, 100, .15); box-shadow:rgba(77, 199, 100, .15) 0 0 5px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;">Suspended</h3>===
==== [[They Hunger Deathmatch: Source]] (2022) ====
Although the original multiplayer mode (deathmatch) in they hunger is not different from vanilla hl1 except for some new guns. I had a desire to move that, but later I changed my mind. As it is unlikely it would have found its players.
==== [[They Hunger Co-Op: Source]] (2022) ====
===<h3 style="background:rgb(255, 41, 77, .15); box-shadow:rgba(255, 41, 77, .15) 0 0 5px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;">Reuploads</h3>===
====Stronghold Russian Story====
====Half-Life 2: Sandbox====
''Archive description:''
<source lang> Пару недель назад опубликовал Half-Life 2 Sandbox от ##Adnan Zafar##
Очень полезный мод, так как в него уже встроен LUA код.
Кому интересно . Снизу ссылки на гугл драйв. Исходники, и сама модификация.
Open Steamworks is used in Half-Life 2: Sandbox for mounting additional game content through Steam's abstraction layer rather than the game engine's filesystem class, which prevents non-fatal engine errors.
Creative Commons License
Half-Life 2: Sandbox by Team Sandbox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Half-Life 2: Sandbox is an open-source sandbox modification of the Source Engine which provides Lua as a scripting platform for developers to quickly prototype game ideas. The minimalistic game includes a sandbox gamemode for playing with the many aspects of the Source Engine.
Proudly powered by
Adnan's Rotational Gravity Gun
##Adnan Zafar##
adnan.f.zafar AT gmail DOT com Skew.telefragged.com
ARGG is used by Half-Life 2: Sandbox to implement rotational functionality for the physics manipulator.
##Open Steamworks##
Open Steamworks is used in Half-Life 2: Sandbox for mounting additional game content through Steam's abstraction layer rather than the game engine's filesystem class, which prevents non-fatal engine errors.
===<h3 style="background:rgb(33, 122, 100, .15); box-shadow:rgba(33, 122, 100, .15) 0 0 5px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;">Concepts</h3>===
Here is information about ideas that in most cases have not been implemented. Their future is uncertain.
==== [[G-Man Invasion: Source]] (March-May of 2023) ====
Some people have already tried to port this modification to Source. However, for unknown reasons - it was never finished. I planned not to be idle and practice my skills in porting modifications, was chosen a simple mod, which of the important - contained models that needed to make ragdolls. The project started, began porting models and interface. All went well, but later the priority was on programming [[PARANOIA Source: Rebuild]]. Because of which the project is dead.
==== [[Shaft: Source]] (April of 2020) ====
Presumed data is unknown. It was porting the original Shaft resources and using them in the new engine.
==== [[Garry's Mod Lua to Half-Life 2]] (March of 2020) ====
Is it useful to use {{gmod|3}} addons in your mod to make it easier for yourself and some modders? I thought that yes, and using skills - to embed the LUA code of gmod in Source. To make {{gmod|3}} addons work in {{hl2|3}}, it would be very useful and could simplify some tasks for those who did not want to mess with C++. However, later this project was frozen, and today it is dead.
==== [[Cry of Fear: 2]] (October-December of 2015) ====
It was a series of YouTube videos. Where you can spot new content (actually other people's {{gmod|4}} addons). The project billed as something was really nothing more than a failed joke. Though it did get popular in some ways.
===== [[Paranoia: Clones vs Humans]] (April of 2020 - 2023) =====
==<h1 style="background:rgb(255, 215, 0, .15); box-shadow:rgba(255, 215, 0, .15) 0 0 25px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:14px; font-weight:700;">Extras</h1>==
=== From Goldsource to Source Engine ===
<div style="column-count: 2; -moz-column-count: 4; -webkit-column-count: 2; ">
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2835449147 Cry of Fear]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2911173316 The Specialists]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2911174513 PARANOIA ]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2911176765 Counter-Strike (Different)]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2180794026 Ported Stuff ]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2572059042 Source Stuff ]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2702235295 F.G.T.S.]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1903081866 PARANOIA]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2226731385 Cry of Fear]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2911236873 James Bond 007: Nightfire]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2181143479 Ported Stuff]
* [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2258625645 Ported Stuff]
===<h3 style="background:rgb(255, 88, 1, .15); box-shadow:rgba(255, 88, 1, .15) 0 0 5px; border-bottom:none; border-radius:.35em; padding:.5em; padding-block:.6em; margin:.3em; font-size:11px; font-weight:700;">Dead</h3>===
<div style="column-count: 2; -moz-column-count: 4; -webkit-column-count: 2; ">
* {{aom|4}} - Maps, Models
* Echoes (old) - Maps, Models
* {{mistake|4}} - Maps, Models
* {{csnz|4}} - Maps, Models
* {{paranoia|4}} - Maps, Models
::* {{p2s|4}} - Maps, Models
::: PARANOIA 2 [All Props]
* {{cs|4}} - Maps, Models
* {{hl|4}} - Maps, Models
* {{cof|4}} - Maps, Models
* {{rainfall|4}} - Textures
:: Retexture for HL:S Campaign
* {{cof|4}} - Maps, Models
:: cof_city
:: c_city
:: c_asylum
:: Model Pack (NPC + PROPS)
* {{cof|4}} - Maps
:: cof_asylum (day/night)
* {{paranoia|4}} - Maps
:: p_army3 (classic)
* {{paranoia|4}} - Maps
:: p_army3 (Deathmatch)
====Codename CURE====
* {{paranoia|4}} - Maps
:: p_army3 (Deathmatch)

Latest revision as of 01:58, 11 November 2023

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