Valve Developer Community:List of common misspellings
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See the spell checker for pages which contain the following misspellings. Items must start with a bullet, and everything after the first word is only for reference. Order doesn't matter, but it's best to keep things easy to find.
- abotu -> about
- abuot -> about
- abilty -> ability
- acces -> access
- accesable -> accessible
- accesible -> accessible
- accessable -> accessible
- accesories -> accessories
- accidentaly -> accidentally
- accidently -> accidentally
- accomodate -> accommodate
- accros -> across
- accross -> across
- acessable -> accessible
- acesses -> accesses
- acessible -> accessible
- acessible -> accessible
- acessories -> accessories
- acessory -> accessory
- acheive -> achieve
- acknowlege -> acknowledge
- actualy -> actually
- acutally -> actually
- additonal -> additional
- addittional -> additional
- adress -> address (or German)
- aggrivating -> aggravating
- allready -> already (or all ready)
- alltitude -> altitude
- allyway -> alleyway
- allyways -> alleyways
- alot -> a lot
- alredy -> already
- altough -> although
- althought -> although
- ammount -> amount
- anoying -> annoying
- answear -> answer
- anway -> anyway
- anwser -> answer
- anwsers -> answers
- anythig -> anything
- anyting -> anything
- apears -> appears
- aplly -> apply
- apreciate -> appreciate
- applyed -> applied
- appologize -> apologize
- apprently -> apparently
- appropiate -> appropriate
- aprecciate-> appreciate
- aproppriate -> appropriate
- apropriate -> appropriate
- arent -> aren't
- arnt -> aren't
- askes -> asks
- asterix -> asterisk
- aswell -> as well
- atleast -> at least
- attatch -> attach
- attatched -> attached
- automaticlly -> automatically
- automaticly -> automatically
- availble -> available
- availible -> available
- avaliable -> available
- aything -> anything
- banwidth -> bandwidth
- basicallly -> basically
- basicaly -> basically
- basicly -> basically
- beable -> be able
- becaues -> because
- becuase -> because
- beeing -> being (or beeping)
- begginer -> beginner
- begginner -> beginner
- beginer -> beginner
- beginnig -> beginning
- begining -> beginning
- beinning -> beginning
- believeable -> believable
- belive -> believe
- betwene -> between
- beyound -> beyond
- bounderies -> boundaries
- btw -> by the way
- bu -> but
- buisness -> business
- buttom -> button (or bottom)
- cannal -> canal
- cannals -> canals
- cansiter -> canister
- cant -> can't (or cannot) (can be correct: synonym of chant)
- carefull -> careful
- casue -> cause
- casued -> caused
- catagories -> categories
- catagory -> category
- CBaseEnity -> CBaseEntity
- cetain -> certain
- chanel -> channel
- charatecters
- chrashing -> crashing
- cieling -> ceiling
- cliking -> clicking
- colapse -> collapse
- colapsing -> collapsing
- colapsed -> collapsed
- collapsable -> collapsible
- collions -> collisions
- collison -> collision
- collisons -> collisions
- collsion -> collision
- comfirm -> confirm
- comine -> combine
- comittee -> committee
- comming -> coming
- comminucation -> communication
- compeltely -> completely
- competitve -> competitive
- compilling -> compiling
- compilor -> compiler
- comple -> compile (or compel)
- completey -> completely
- completley -> completely
- completly -> completely
- compliation -> compilation
- complie -> compile
- conect -> connect
- conected -> connected
- consistancy -> consistency
- consistant -> consistent
- consistantly -> consistently
- consol -> console
- contans -> contains (or contents)
- continualy -> continually
- continous -> continuous
- continously -> continuously
- converstaion -> conversation
- convertion -> conversion
- cooresponding -> corresponding
- correstponds -> corresponds
- couldnt -> couldn't
- craches -> crashes
- crachs -> crashes
- creat -> create (or crate)
- curent -> current
- cusom -> custom
- databse -> database
- debre -> debris
- debree -> debris
- decall -> decal
- decalls -> decals
- defence -> defense
- defenitely -> definitely
- deffinitely -> definitely
- definate -> definite
- definete -> definite
- definateley -> definitely
- definately -> definitely
- definatly -> definitely
- definetely -> definitely
- defineteley -> definitely
- definetely -> definitely
- definetly -> definitely
- definitelly -> definitely
- definitly -> definitely
- defintley -> definitely
- defualt -> default
- deleberate -> deliberate
- deleteing -> deleting
- descripted -> described
- desing -> design
- desinged -> designed
- developement -> development
- devloper -> developer
- devlopment -> development
- dialouge -> dialogue (or dialog, in computing)
- did'nt -> didn't
- didnt -> didn't
- differance -> difference
- disapear -> disappear
- disapeared -> disappeared
- disapearence -> disappearance
- disapears -> disappears
- disappearence -> disappearance
- discription -> description
- dissapear -> disappear
- dissapearance -> disappearance
- dissapears -> disappears
- dissappear -> disappear
- dissappears -> disappears
- dont -> don't (or French)
- doesnt -> doesn't
- dosen't -> doesn't
- dosent -> doesn't
- dosnt -> doesn't
- dosn't -> doesn't
- dowloaded -> downloaded
- drving -> driving
- dueing -> during
- dummb -> dumb
- easly -> easily
- easyly -> easily
- ecent -> recent
- ect -> etc
- editted -> edited
- editting -> editing
- effectng -> effecting
- elce -> else
- eligble -> eligible
- enitities -> entities
- enitity -> entity
- engin -> engine
- enourmous -> enormous
- entensions -> extensions
- enterence -> entrance
- enterences -> entrances
- enteties -> entities
- entitys -> entities (or entity's)
- enviornment -> environment
- epsecially -> especially
- eqivalent -> equivalent
- erro -> error
- espescially -> especially
- essental -> essential
- esspecialy -> especially
- esspecially -> especially
- etails -> details
- ethier -> either
- evertime -> everytime
- everyhting -> everything
- everywere -> everywhere
- evryone -> everyone
- exactally -> exactly
- examle -> example
- excelent -> excellent
- excellant -> excellent
- exellent -> excellent
- existance -> existence
- experimens -> experiments
- expirience -> experience
- expirienced -> experienced
- explaination -> explanation
- exsists -> exists
- exsplain -> explain
- extention -> extension
- extremly -> extremely
- favourite -> favorite
- favourites -> favorites
- finall -> final
- finaly -> finally
- finnally -> finally
- finnaly -> finally
- flaged -> flagged
- fo -> for
- followes -> follows
- fonrt -> front
- forbits -> forbids
- forgett -> forget
- formated -> formatted
- formating -> formatting
- foward -> forward
- freind -> friend
- freinds -> friends
- fron -> from
- fuelled -> fueled
- ful -> full
- gaint -> giant
- gaurd -> guard
- gaurds -> guards
- gaurantee -> guarantee
- gaurded -> guarded
- garuantee -> guarantee
- geniune -> genuine
- geting -> getting
- get's -> gets
- gfc -> gcf
- glas -> glass
- globaly -> globally
- goin -> going
- graffity -> graffiti
- grammer -> grammar
- gratly -> greatly
- greatful -> grateful
- halp -> help
- hamer -> hammer
- handel -> handle
- happaning -> happening
- hapenning -> happening
- happenning -> happening
- hasnt -> hasn't
- havent -> haven't
- heirarchy -> hierarchy
- helpfull -> helpful
- heplful -> helpful
- higlighter -> highlighter
- hilights -> highlights
- hinsite -> hindsight
- hoover -> hover
- hopefull -> hopeful (or hopefully)
- howerver -> however
- howwever -> however
- idential -> identical
- idoit -> idiot
- ilegal -> illegal
- ilegally -> illegally
- ilegaly -> illegally
- impliment -> implement
- importent -> important
- includeing ->including
- incompatability -> incompatibility
- independant -> independent (or French: indépendant)
- indepth -> in depth (or in-depth)
- infornt -> in front
- ingame -> in-game
- initalised -> initialised
- initalized -> initialized
- inlcude -> include
- inlcudes -> includes
- inlcuding -> including
- inmediate -> immediate
- innacurate -> inaccurate
- inpact -> impact
- instal -> install
- insted -> instead
- inteligence -> intelligence (or Czech)
- intellecual -> intellectual
- intrest -> interest
- intrests -> interests
- interplation -> interpolation
- intervall -> interval
- intervalls -> intervals
- intial -> initial
- intiger -> integer
- invisable -> invisible
- is'nt -> isn't
- isnt -> isn't
- jus -> just
- knowlege -> knowledge
- lable -> label
- labled -> labelled
- labratory -> laboratory
- langauge -> language
- lanscape -> landscape
- lanscapes -> landscapes
- lattest -> latest
- lauch -> launch
- launche -> launch (or launcher)
- layed -> laid
- lazer -> laser
- lazers -> lasers
- licence -> license
- lieying -> lying
- likly -> likely
- lil -> little
- lineary -> linearly
- lisence -> license
- litle -> little
- logn -> long (or login)
- lts -> lets
- lvl -> level
- maby -> maybe
- mabye -> maybe
- magnificient -> magnificent
- managment -> management
- manipulat -> manipulate
- mantadory -> mandatory
- mantain -> maintain
- mantained -> maintained
- materiel -> material
- meassage -> message
- mechanichs -> mechanics
- meging -> merging
- mesages -> messages
- messager -> messenger
- messgae -> message
- microsopic -> microscopic
- millenium -> millennium
- mimc -> mimic
- minmized -> minimized
- mising -> missing
- mkaer -> maker
- mnay -> many
- montainous -> mountainous
- modifed -> modified
- modles -> models
- mor -> more
- mountaineous -> mountainous
- mountainus -> mountainous
- mountian -> mountain
- mountianous -> mountainous
- mountians -> mountains
- moutain -> mountain
- moutains -> mountains
- ndoe -> node
- necassary -> necessary
- neceesary -> necessary
- necesary -> necessary
- necessery -> necessary
- neccesary -> necessary
- neccessarily -> necessarily
- neccessary -> necessary
- necesitate -> necessitate
- necesity -> necessity
- neccesity -> necessity
- neccessity -> necessity
- nly -> only
- noisey -> noisy
- nontheless -> nonetheless
- noteable -> notable
- noticable -> noticeable
- noticably -> noticeably
- nunber -> number
- obviuos -> obvious
- obviosly -> obviously
- ocasion -> occasion
- ocassional -> occasional
- occaisionally -> occasionally
- occasionaly -> occasionally
- occassional -> occasional
- occassionally -> occasionally
- occationally -> occasionally
- occurance -> occurrence
- occured -> occurred
- occurence -> occurrence
- occurences -> occurrences
- occures -> occurs
- occuring -> occurring
- ocurrs -> occurs
- ocurs -> occurs
- ofcourse -> of course
- offcourse -> of course (or off course)
- offical -> official
- ommit -> omit
- ommited -> omitted
- ommitted -> omitted
- ontop -> on top
- opend -> opened
- oposite -> opposite
- oposites -> opposites
- optimzed -> optimized
- ordiante -> ordinate
- orginal -> original
- orignal -> original
- ot -> to
- ouput -> output
- ouputs -> outputs
- palcement -> placement
- panal -> panel
- particulary -> particularly
- particullarly -> particularly
- particullary -> particularly
- pauze -> pause
- pauzes -> pauses
- pentration -> penetration
- percieve -> perceive
- performence -> performance
- permantent -> permanent
- perpindicular -> perpendicular
- peryod -> period
- peticular -> particular
- photoe -> photo
- photoes -> photos
- physis -> physics
- pleasent -> pleasant
- porpose -> purpose (or propose)
- posess -> possess (or poses)
- posession -> possession
- posessions -> possessions
- postion -> position
- possable -> possible
- possably -> possibly
- posses -> possess (can be correct: plural of posse)
- possesion -> possession
- possesions -> possessions
- possibily -> possibly
- possibilty -> possibility
- possiblity -> possibility
- pourpose -> purpose
- practicaly -> practically
- praticaly -> practically
- preceeding -> preceding
- preferrable -> preferable
- preferrably -> preferably
- preffered -> preferred
- preperation -> preparation
- preperations -> preparations
- presense -> presence
- pritty -> pretty
- probabaly -> probably
- probabley -> probably
- probaly -> probably
- probibly -> probably
- problably -> probably
- proccess -> process
- prolem -> problem
- propably -> probably
- prototipe -> prototype
- prototipes -> prototypes
- puted -> put
- quicly -> quickly
- quik -> quick
- rainning -> raining
- realise -> realize
- realisticaly -> realistically
- reallt -> really
- realy -> really
- realtive -> relative
- realtively -> relatively
- rebbot -> reboot
- reccomendation -> recommendation
- reccomendations -> recommendations
- reccomend -> recommend
- reccomended -> recommended
- reccomends -> recommends
- reccommend -> recommend
- reccommended -> recommended
- recieve -> receive
- recieved -> received
- recieveing -> receiving
- recieves -> receives
- recieving -> receiving
- recive -> receive
- recived -> received
- recives -> receives
- recomend -> recommend
- recomendable -> recommendable
- recomends -> recommends
- recomended -> recommended
- recommand -> recommend
- recommands -> recommends
- recommented -> recommended
- recongizes -> recognizes
- reconized -> recognized
- recusion -> recursion
- refered -> referred
- referense -> reference
- refering -> referring
- refernce -> reference
- reffered -> referred
- refleft -> reflect
- reformated -> reformatted
- refrencing -> referencing
- regeret -> regret
- regulary -> regularly
- reinstal -> reinstall
- reinstaled -> reinstalled
- reintalled -> reinstalled
- relavant -> relevant
- releated -> related
- relevent -> relevant
- remeber -> remember
- removeing -> removing
- repellant -> repellent
- reporoduce -> reproduce
- reprocude -> reproduce
- reprodceable -> reproducible
- reproducable -> reproducible
- reproduct -> reproduce
- requirments -> requirements
- resatart -> restart
- rescuede -> rescued
- reseted -> reset
- resetted -> reset
- resevior -> reservoir
- respectivly -> respectively
- runing -> running
- runnig -> running
- sais -> says (or French)
- satelite -> satellite
- scenary -> scenery
- scipting -> scripting
- scriped -> scripted
- seach -> search
- secound -> second
- se -> see
- seee -> see
- sensivity -> sensitivity
- seperate -> separate
- seperated -> separated
- seperately -> separately
- seperating -> separating
- serch -> search
- seting -> setting
- severly -> severely
- shouldnt -> shouldn't
- showes -> shows
- similary -> similarly
- similatities -> similarities
- similiar -> similar
- sirious -> serious
- skillz -> skills
- skiped -> skipped
- skys -> sky's (or skies)
- slowley -> slowly
- somthing -> something
- somwhere -> somewhere
- souce -> source
- sourond -> surround
- souronding -> surrounding
- sourrond -> surround
- specificly -> specifically
- specifique -> specific (or French)
- spectactular -> spectacular
- sry -> sorry
- statc -> static
- submiting -> submitting
- subseqent -> subsequent
- subtititles -> subtitles
- succeded -> succeeded
- succesful -> successful
- succesfully -> successfully
- succes -> success
- sucess -> success
- sucessful -> successful
- suddently -> suddenly
- sufficiant -> sufficient
- sugestion -> suggestion
- supress -> suppress
- surond -> surround
- suronding -> surrounding
- suround -> surround
- surounds -> surrounds
- surounding -> surrounding
- suroundings -> surroundings
- surpress -> suppress
- surrond -> surround
- surronding -> surrounding
- symetric -> symmetric
- symetrical -> symmetrical
- targetted -> targeted
- targetting -> targeting
- teadious -> tedious
- teh -> the
- temporarely -> temporarily
- tetxure -> texture
- texure -> texture
- tghe -> the
- thankyou -> thank you
- thats -> that's
- thease -> these
- theer -> there
- there're -> there are
- theyll -> they'll
- theyre -> they're
- thier -> their
- thoughout -> throughout
- thrid -> third
- throgh -> through
- throug -> through
- throuhg -> through
- thru -> through
- thses -> these
- tht -> that
- tild -> tilde (~) (or tiled)
- tipical -> typical
- tipycal -> typical
- tlaking -> talking
- tommorrow -> tomorrow
- tomorow -> tomorrow
- totaly -> totally
- transluceny -> translucency
- transparenet -> transparent
- troubleshootng -> troubleshooting
- truely -> truly
- tryed -> tried
- trys -> tries
- turquiose -> turquoise
- typ -> type (or German)
- u -> you
- un-explored -> unexplored
- unabled -> unable (or enabled, disabled)
- unaceptable -> unacceptable
- undergound -> underground
- unecessary -> unnecessary
- unfortunatly -> unfortunately
- unlikley -> unlikely
- unlockes -> unlocks
- unnaceptable -> unacceptable
- unnaffected -> unaffected
- unpleasent -> unpleasant
- unpleasently -> unpleasantly
- unpossable -> impossible
- unpossible -> impossible
- unstabile -> unstable
- untill -> until
- upddate -> update
- ur -> your (or you're)
- usaly -> usually
- usally -> usually
- useable -> usable
- useage -> usage
- usefull -> useful
- useing -> using
- usuall -> usual
- usualy -> usually
- utilise -> utilize (or French)
- vaild -> valid
- valueable -> valuable
- valuble -> valuable
- veiw -> view
- veiws -> views
- vertecies -> vertices
- verticies -> vertices
- visable -> visible
- visilbe -> visible
- w/ -> with
- wan't -> want (or won't)
- weild -> wield
- weilding -> wielding
- werent -> weren't
- wether -> whether
- whatch -> watch
- whatver -> whatever
- wheather -> weather (or whether)
- wheater -> weather
- wheather -> weather
- wher -> where
- whereever -> wherever
- whithout -> without
- whoes -> whose (or who's)
- wich -> which (or wish)
- wierd -> weird
- wiill -> will
- wishfull -> wishful
- withing -> within
- woriking -> working
- workin -> working
- wrng -> wrong
- wroking -> working
- you'l -> you’ll
- youself -> yourself
- ypu -> you
- yuor -> your
- yuore -> you're (or your)
- yuo're -> you're