VGUI Image Progress Bar

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Image progress bars.jpg

This is an extension of the ContinuousProgressBar class that Valve already has in place in the VGUI lib (Orange Box). This tutorial is a purely copy/paste tutorial and should not require any modification. If there are any areas that need improvement or corrections, feel free to make/add them.

The Header (.h) File



#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include <vgui/VGUI.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ProgressBar.h>

using namespace vgui;

class ImageProgressBar : public ContinuousProgressBar
	DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( ImageProgressBar, ContinuousProgressBar );

	ImageProgressBar( Panel *parent, const char *panelName );
	ImageProgressBar( Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *topTexturename, const char *bottomTextureName );

	virtual void Paint( void );
	virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData );
	virtual void GetSettings( KeyValues *outResourceData );

	void	SetTopTexture( const char *topTextureName );
	void	SetBottomTexture( const char *bottomTextureName );

	int	m_iTopTextureId;
	int	m_iBottomTextureId;
	char	m_szTopTextureName[64];
	char	m_szBottomTextureName[64];


The Source (.cpp) File


#include "cbase.h"
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "ImageProgressBar.h"

#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

using namespace vgui;


ImageProgressBar::ImageProgressBar( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName )
	m_iTopTextureId = m_iBottomTextureId = -1;
	memset( m_szTopTextureName, 0, sizeof( m_szTopTextureName ) );
	memset( m_szBottomTextureName, 0, sizeof( m_szBottomTextureName ) );

ImageProgressBar::ImageProgressBar(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, const char *topTextureName, const char *bottomTextureName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName )
	SetTopTexture( topTextureName );
	SetBottomTexture( bottomTextureName );

void ImageProgressBar::SetTopTexture(const char *topTextureName)
	if( topTextureName != NULL && topTextureName[0] )
		Q_strncpy( m_szTopTextureName, topTextureName, 64 );
		m_iTopTextureId = surface()->DrawGetTextureId( topTextureName );
		if( m_iTopTextureId == -1 )
			m_iTopTextureId = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
			surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iTopTextureId, topTextureName, false, true );
		memset( m_szTopTextureName, 0, sizeof( m_szTopTextureName ) );
		m_iTopTextureId = -1;

void ImageProgressBar::SetBottomTexture(const char *bottomTextureName)
	if( bottomTextureName != NULL && bottomTextureName[0] )
		Q_strncpy( m_szBottomTextureName, bottomTextureName, 64 );
		m_iBottomTextureId = surface()->DrawGetTextureId( bottomTextureName );
		if( m_iBottomTextureId == -1 )
			m_iBottomTextureId = surface()->CreateNewTextureID();
			surface()->DrawSetTextureFile( m_iBottomTextureId, bottomTextureName, false, true );
		memset( m_szBottomTextureName, 0, sizeof( m_szBottomTextureName ) );
		m_iBottomTextureId = -1;

void ImageProgressBar::ApplySettings( KeyValues *inResourceData )
	const char *topTextureName = inResourceData->GetString("TopImage", "");
	SetTopTexture( topTextureName );

	const char *bottomTextureName = inResourceData->GetString("BottomImage", "");
	SetBottomTexture( bottomTextureName );

	BaseClass::ApplySettings( inResourceData );


void ImageProgressBar::GetSettings( KeyValues *outResourceData )
	BaseClass::GetSettings( outResourceData );
	outResourceData->SetString( "TopImage", m_szTopTextureName );
	outResourceData->SetString( "BottomImage", m_szBottomTextureName );

void ImageProgressBar::Paint( void )
	if( m_iTopTextureId == -1 )
	int x = 0, y = 0;
	int wide, tall;
	GetSize( wide, tall );

	if( m_iBottomTextureId != -1 )
		surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iBottomTextureId );
		surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
		surface()->DrawTexturedRect( x, y, wide, tall );

	surface()->DrawSetTexture( m_iTopTextureId );
	surface()->DrawSetColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
	switch( m_iProgressDirection )
		surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect( x, y, x + (int)(wide * _progress), y + tall,
			0.0f, 0.0f, _progress, 1.0f );
		surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect( x + (int)(wide * (1.0f - _progress) ), y, x + wide, y + tall,
			1.0f - _progress, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
		surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect( x, y + (int)(tall * (1.0f - _progress) ), x + wide, y + tall,
			0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, _progress );
		surface()->DrawTexturedSubRect( x, y, x + wide, y + (int)( tall * _progress),
			0.0f, 1.0f - _progress, 1.0f, 1.0f );


To use this in a .res file, use it like any other progress bar. There are added keys to the *.res file so it is possible to change the images via text instead of hard-code. Here's an example that does not use a background progress bar image. Background progress images aren't required, but can be used if needed:

First, include the ImageProgressBar class.

  #include "ImageProgressBar.h"

Next, declare the new handle for the image progress bar for the new hud class:

	ImageProgressBar *m_pHealthProgressBar;

Place this within the constructor of your new hud class:

m_pHealthProgressBar = new ImageProgressBar( this, "HealthProgressBar", "vgui/gfx/HUD/health_bar");
m_pHealthProgressBar->SetProgressDirection( ProgressBar::PROGRESS_EAST );

If top and bottom materials need to be added via code, add this instead of the code above:

m_pHealthProgressBar = new ImageProgressBar( this, "HealthProgressBar");
m_pHealthProgressBar->SetProgressDirection( ProgressBar::PROGRESS_EAST );
m_pHealthProgressBar->SetTopTexture( <top texture> );
m_pHealthProgressBar->SetBottomTexture( <bottom texture> );

And place this within the Think function of the hud class:

//Edit this part for whatever value your image bar needs to be.
m_pHealthProgressBar->SetProgress( Value );
Note.pngNote:This must be placed in the think function, otherwise the image bar won't adjust to the new value. Also make sure the progress of the bar is set only if the value changes. It's much safer that way and more memory efficient; do not keep setting the same value repeatedly.

And to finish it off, place this inside \scripts\HudLayout.res:

	"ControlName"	"ImageProgressBar"
	"fieldName"	"HealthProgressBar"
	"xpos"		"10"
	"ypos"		"25"
	"wide"		"200"
	"tall"		"32"
	"autoResize"	"1"
	"visible"	"1"
	"enabled"	"1"
	"tabPosition"	"0"
Note.pngNote:This has been tested with progress directions PROGRESS_NORTH and PROGRESS_EAST. It has not been tested with the others, but the code is there. If they are not correct, please correct this page.