User talk:UncleB

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This describes what each function performs in the "Detail.vbsp" located in the cstrike directory. If you're not sure what the Detail.vbsp is used for, see Detail Props.


   "density" "600.0" //600.0 Default
      "alpha" "1" // 1 
         "sprite" "288 0 128 128 512"
         // 288 0 128 128 512 Default
         // Image of sprite to use.
         // (Its seems there are 3 grass 
         // images to one sprite, each
         // value has its own image(assumed). 
         // Setting the last 2 set of values
         // to 512 will display 3 grass materials.)
         // Needs Correcting.

         "spritesize" "0.5 0.0 10 30"
         // 19 & 35 Default // 0.5 & 0.0
         // Size of each sprite
         // W * H = A
         "spriterandomscale" "1.0"
         // 0.2 Random sprite sizes
         "amount" "2.0"
         // 0.2 Default
         // Sprites to spawn. Random
         // "0" - none

         "detailOrientation" "2"
         // 2 Default
         // Controls whether sprites rotate if bumped
         // 0 - No Orientation 
         // 1 - Sprites fold and rotate if bumped 
         // 2 - Sprites rotate if bumped, but not fold.