User talk:Battle Bott
Code for Garry's mod 9, lua
function eventPlayerSay ( Owner, strText, bTeam ) if string.find(strText, "nade") then local vVelocity; local grenade = _EntCreate("grenade_ar2"); local pos = _EntGetPos (Owner) _EntSetKeyValue(grenade, "damage", "60"); _EntSetPos(grenade, pos); _EntSetPos(grenade, _PlayerGetShootAng(Owner)); _EntSetOwner(grenade, Owner); vVelocity = vecMul(_PlayerGetShootAng(Owner), 1500); _EntSetVelocity(grenade, vVelocity); _EntSpawn(grenade); else return strText; end; end;
Block of variables that need to be defined
local vecpos = _PlayerGetShootPos( Owner ); local plyang = _PlayerGetShootAng( Owner ); _TraceLine( vecpos, plyang, 10000, Owner ); local hitpos = _TraceEndPos(); local surfaceang = _TraceGetSurfaceNormal(); local plyright = _EntGetRightVector( Owner ); local plyang = _PlayerGetShootAng(Owner) local vecpos = _PlayerGetShootPos(Owner) local ang2 = vecMul( plyang, vector3( 50, 50, 50 ) ) local ang3 = vecAdd( ang2, vector3( 0, 0, -10 ) ) local endpos = vecAdd( _PlayerGetShootPos(Owner), ang3 ) local muzzlepos = vecAdd( endpos, vecMul( plyright, vector3(10,10,0)))
Where is this code for? --dutchmega 01:45, 3 Jun 2006 (PDT)
- Garry's mod I suppose—ts2do 12:50, 3 Jun 2006 (PDT)
Optimization Tutorial
We do have a lot of stuff here on Optimization already: Optimization (level design). I dunno what you have planned, but I thought I should bring those articles to your attention, to help you avoid directly overlapping with them. (Presumably you also have the original author's permission to copy the article here?) --Giles 12:11, 26 Jul 2006 (PDT)