| RandomInt
| int RandomInt( int, int )
| Get a random int within a range
| RandomFloat
| float RandomFloat( float, float )
| Get a random float within a range
| RandomVector
| vector RandomVector( float )
| Get a random vector within a range
| RollPercentage
| bool RollPercentage( int )
| Rolls a number from 1 to 100 and returns true if the roll is less than or equal to the number specified
!Used to create and manage particle effects
Function | Signature | Description |
CreateParticle | int CreateParticle( cstring, int, hscript )
Creates a new particle effect |
CreateParticleForPlayer | int CreateParticleForPlayer( cstring, int, hscript, hscript )
Creates a new particle effect that only plays for the specified player |
SetParticleControl | void SetParticleControl( int, int, vector )
Set the control point data for a control on a particle effect |
ReleaseParticleIndex | void ReleaseParticleIndex( int )
Frees the specified particle index |
| DoIncludeScript
| bool DoIncludeScript( cstring, hscript )
| Execute a script (internal)
C-side of entity framework
!The global list of entities
Function | Signature | Description |
First | hscript First()
Begin an iteration over the list of entities |
Next | hscript Next( hscript )
Continue an iteration over the list of entities, providing reference to a previously found entity |
CreateByClassname | hscript CreateByClassname( cstring )
Creates an entity by classname |
FindByClassname | hscript FindByClassname( hscript, cstring )
Find entities by class name. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllByClassname | variant FindAllByClassname( cstring )
Find entities by class name. |
FindByName | hscript FindByName( hscript, cstring )
Find entities by name. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllByName | variant FindAllByName( cstring )
Find entities by name; returns an array of everything found. |
FindInSphere | hscript FindInSphere( hscript, vector, float )
Find entities within a radius. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllInSphere | variant FindAllInSphere( vector, float )
Find entities within a radius. |
FindByTarget | hscript FindByTarget( hscript, cstring )
Find entities by targetname. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllByTarget | variant FindAllByTarget( cstring )
Find entities by targetname. |
FindByModel | hscript FindByModel( hscript, cstring )
Find entities by model name. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllByModel | variant FindAllByModel( cstring )
Find entities by model name. |
FindByNameNearest | hscript FindByNameNearest( cstring, vector, float )
Find entities by name nearest to a point. |
FindByNameWithin | hscript FindByNameWithin( hscript, cstring, vector, float )
Find entities by name within a radius. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllByNameWithin | variant FindAllByNameWithin( cstring, vector, float )
Find entities by name within a radius. |
FindByClassnameNearest | hscript FindByClassnameNearest( cstring, vector, float )
Find entities by class name nearest to a point. |
FindByClassnameWithin | hscript FindByClassnameWithin( hscript, cstring, vector, float )
Find entities by class name within a radius. Pass 'null' to start an iteration, or reference to a previously found entity to continue a search |
FindAllByClassnameWithin | variant FindAllByClassnameWithin( cstring, vector, float )
Find entities by class name within a radius. |
!Access to convar functions
Function | Signature | Description |
GetFloat | variant GetFloat( cstring )
GetFloat(name) : returns the convar as a float. May return null if no such convar. |
GetStr | variant GetStr( cstring )
GetFloat(name) : returns the convar as a string. May return null if no such convar. |
GetBool | variant GetBool( cstring )
GetBool(name) : returns the convar as a boolean flag. |
RegisterCommand | void RegisterCommand( cstring, hscript, cstring, int )
RegisterCommand(name, fn, helpString, flags) : register a console command. |
RegisterConvar | void RegisterConvar( cstring, cstring, cstring, int )
RegisterConvar(name, defaultValue, helpString, flags): register a new console variable. |
GetCommandClient | hscript GetCommandClient()
GetCommandClient() : returns the player who issued this console command. |
GetDOTACommandClient | hscript GetDOTACommandClient()
GetDOTACommandClient() : returns the DOTA player who issued this console command. |
!The global list of heroes
Function | Signature | Description |
GetHero | hscript GetHero( int )
Get the Nth hero in the Hero List |
GetHeroCount | int GetHeroCount()
Returns the number of heroes in the world |
GetAllHeroes | variant GetAllHeroes()
Returns all the heroes in the world |
!DOTA GameRules
Function | Signature | Description |
State_Get | unknown_variant_type State_Get()
Get the current Gamerules state |
GetGameTime | float GetGameTime()
Returns the number of seconds elapsed since map start. This time doesn't count up when the game is paused |
GetDifficulty | int GetDifficulty()
Returns difficulty level of the custom game mode |
GetCustomGameDifficulty | int GetCustomGameDifficulty()
Returns the difficulty level of the custom game mode |
Defeated | void Defeated()
Kills the ancient, etc. |
ResetDefeated | void ResetDefeated()
Restart after killing the ancient, etc. |
SetGameWinner | void SetGameWinner( int )
Makes ths specified team win |
MakeTeamLose | void MakeTeamLose( int )
Makes ths specified team lose |
ResetMap | void ResetMap( int )
Resets the map in one of several ways |
GetDroppedItem | hscript GetDroppedItem( int )
Gets the Xth dropped item |
NumDroppedItems | int NumDroppedItems()
Returns the number of items currently dropped on the ground |
SendCustomMessage | void SendCustomMessage( cstring, int, int )
Sends a string to the defined team. |
SetHeroRespawnEnabled | void SetHeroRespawnEnabled( bool )
Control if the normal DOTA hero respawn rules apply. |
Playtesting_UpdateCustomKeyValues | void Playtesting_UpdateCustomKeyValues()
Updates custom hero, unit and ability KeyValues in memory with the latest values from disk |
ResetToHeroSelection | void ResetToHeroSelection()
Restart the game at hero selection |
SetTreeRegrowTime | void SetTreeRegrowTime( float )
Sets the tree regrow time in seconds. |
SetHeroSelectionTime | void SetHeroSelectionTime( float )
Sets the amount of time players have to pick their hero. |
SetPreGameTime | void SetPreGameTime( float )
Sets the amount of time players have between picking their hero and game start. |
SetPostGameTime | void SetPostGameTime( float )
Sets the amount of time players have between the game ending and the server disconnecting them. |
SetRuneSpawnTime | void SetRuneSpawnTime( float )
Sets the amount of time between rune spawns. |
SetSameHeroSelectionEnabled | void SetSameHeroSelectionEnabled( bool )
When true, players can repeatedly pick the same hero. |
SetUseUniversalShopMode | void SetUseUniversalShopMode( bool )
When true, all items are available at as long as any shop is in range. |
SetTimeOfDay | void SetTimeOfDay( float )
Set the time of day. |
SetOverlayHealthBarUnit | void SetOverlayHealthBarUnit( hscript, int )
Show this unit's health on the overlay health bar |
SetHeroMinimapIconSize | void SetHeroMinimapIconSize( int )
(nMinimapHeroIconSize) - Set the hero minimap icon size. |
SetCreepMinimapIconScale | void SetCreepMinimapIconScale( float )
(flMinimapCreepIconScale) - Scale the creep icons on the minimap. |
SetRuneMinimapIconScale | void SetRuneMinimapIconScale( float )
(flMinimapRuneIconScale) - Scale the rune icons on the minimap. |
SetSafeToLeave | void SetSafeToLeave( bool )
(bSafeToLeave) - Mark this game as safe to leave. |
SetUseCustomHeroXPValues | void SetUseCustomHeroXPValues( bool )
Allows heroes in the map to give a specific amount of XP (this value must be set). |
SetCustomGameDifficulty | void SetCustomGameDifficulty( int )
Set the difficulty level of the custom game mode |
!DOTA Vote System
Function | Signature | Description |
StartVote | void StartVote( hscript )
Starts a vote, based upon a table of parameters |
Root class of all server-side entities
Function | Signature | Description |
ConnectOutput | void ConnectOutput( cstring, cstring )
Adds an I/O connection that will call the named function when the specified output fires |
DisconnectOutput | void DisconnectOutput( cstring, cstring )
Removes a connected script function from an I/O event. |
GetHealth | int GetHealth()
SetHealth | void SetHealth( int )
GetMaxHealth | int GetMaxHealth()
SetMaxHealth | void SetMaxHealth( int )
IsAlive | bool IsAlive()
Remove | void Remove()
SetModel | void SetModel( cstring )
GetModelName | cstring GetModelName()
Returns the name of the model |
EmitSound | void EmitSound( cstring )
Plays a sound from this entity. |
EmitSoundParams | void EmitSoundParams( cstring, int, float )
Plays/modifies a sound from this entity. changes sound if nPitch and/or flVol is > 0. |
StopSound | void StopSound( cstring )
Stops a named sound playing from this entity. |
PrecacheSoundScript | void PrecacheSoundScript( cstring )
Precache a sound for later playing. |
GetSoundDuration | float GetSoundDuration( cstring, cstring )
Returns float duration of the sound. Takes soundname and optional actormodelname. |
GetClassname | cstring GetClassname()
GetName | cstring GetName()
GetPreTemplateName | cstring GetPreTemplateName()
Get the entity name stripped of template unique decoration |
GetAbsOrigin | vector GetAbsOrigin()
SetAbsOrigin | void SetAbsOrigin( vector )
GetOrigin | vector GetOrigin()
SetAbsOrigin | void SetAbsOrigin( vector )
SetOrigin |
SetOrigin | void SetOrigin( vector )
GetForwardVector | vector GetForwardVector()
Get the forward vector of the entity |
GetRightVector | vector GetRightVector()
Get the right vector of the entity |
GetUpVector | vector GetUpVector()
Get the up vector of the entity |
SetForwardVector | void SetForwardVector( vector )
Set the orientation of the entity to have this forward vector |
GetVelocity | vector GetVelocity()
SetVelocity | void SetVelocity( vector )
SetAngularVelocity | void SetAngularVelocity( float, float, float )
Set the local angular velocity - takes float pitch,yaw,roll velocities |
GetAngularVelocity | vector GetAngularVelocity()
Get the local angular velocity - returns a vector of pitch,yaw,roll |
GetCenter | vector GetCenter()
Get vector to center of object - absolute coords |
EyePosition | vector EyePosition()
Get vector to eye position - absolute coords |
SetAngles | void SetAngles( float, float, float )
Set entity pitch, yaw, roll |
GetAngles | vector GetAngles()
Get entity pitch, yaw, roll as a vector |
SetSize | void SetSize( vector, vector )
GetBoundingMins | vector GetBoundingMins()
Get a vector containing min bounds, centered on object |
GetBoundingMaxs | vector GetBoundingMaxs()
Get a vector containing max bounds, centered on object |
Destroy | void Destroy()
SetOwner | void SetOwner( hscript )
GetTeam | int GetTeam()
SetTeam | void SetTeam( int )
GetMoveParent | hscript GetMoveParent()
If in hierarchy, retrieves the entity's parent |
GetRootMoveParent | hscript GetRootMoveParent()
If in hierarchy, walks up the hierarchy to find the root parent |
FirstMoveChild | hscript FirstMoveChild()
NextMovePeer | hscript NextMovePeer()
__KeyValueFromString | bool __KeyValueFromString( cstring, cstring )
@ |
__KeyValueFromFloat | bool __KeyValueFromFloat( cstring, float )
@ |
__KeyValueFromInt | bool __KeyValueFromInt( cstring, int )
@ |
__KeyValueFromVector | bool __KeyValueFromVector( cstring, vector )
@ |
Trigger | void Trigger()
Fires off this entity's OnTrigger responses |
ValidateScriptScope | bool ValidateScriptScope()
Ensure that an entity's script scope has been created |
GetScriptScope | hscript GetScriptScope()
Retrieve the script-side data associated with an entity |
GetScriptId | cstring GetScriptId()
Retrieve the unique identifier used to refer to the entity within the scripting system |
GetOwner | hscript GetOwner()
Gets this entity's owner |
SetOwner | void SetOwner( hscript )
Sets this entity's owner |
entindex | unknown_variant_type entindex()
CDOTA_PlayerResource extends CBaseEntity
Interface to player data
Function | Signature | Description |
SetHasRepicked | void SetHasRepicked( int )
HasRepicked | bool HasRepicked( int )
SetHasRandomed | void SetHasRandomed( int )
HasRandomed | bool HasRandomed( int )
IsValidTeamPlayerID | bool IsValidTeamPlayerID( int )
IsValidTeamPlayer | bool IsValidTeamPlayer( int )
IsValidPlayerID | bool IsValidPlayerID( int )
IsValidPlayer | bool IsValidPlayer( int )
GetLevel | int GetLevel( int )
IncrementKills | void IncrementKills( int, int )
IncrementAssists | void IncrementAssists( int )
IncrementDeaths | void IncrementDeaths( int )
GetKills | int GetKills( int )
GetAssists | int GetAssists( int )
GetDeaths | int GetDeaths( int )
GetStuns | float GetStuns( int )
GetHealing | float GetHealing( int )
GetTowerKills | int GetTowerKills( int )
GetRoshanKills | int GetRoshanKills( int )
GetTeamKills | int GetTeamKills( int )
IncrementStreak | void IncrementStreak( int )
ClearStreak | void ClearStreak( int )
GetStreak | int GetStreak( int )
ModifyGold | int ModifyGold( int, int, bool, int )
SetGold | void SetGold( int, int, bool )
SpendGold | void SpendGold( int, int, int )
GetGold | int GetGold( int )
GetReliableGold | int GetReliableGold( int )
GetUnreliableGold | int GetUnreliableGold( int )
ResetTotalEarnedGold | void ResetTotalEarnedGold( int )
GetTotalEarnedGold | int GetTotalEarnedGold( int )
GetTotalGoldSpent | int GetTotalGoldSpent( int )
AddGoldSpentOnSupport | void AddGoldSpentOnSupport( int, int )
GetGoldSpentOnSupport | int GetGoldSpentOnSupport( int )
GetGoldSpentOnConsumables | int GetGoldSpentOnConsumables( int )
GetGoldSpentOnItems | int GetGoldSpentOnItems( int )
GetGoldLostToDeath | int GetGoldLostToDeath( int )
GetGoldSpentOnBuybacks | int GetGoldSpentOnBuybacks( int )
GetGoldPerMin | float GetGoldPerMin( int )
GetXPPerMin | float GetXPPerMin( int )
GetAegisPickups | int GetAegisPickups( int )
AddAegisPickup | void AddAegisPickup( int )
GetRunePickups | int GetRunePickups( int )
AddRunePickup | void AddRunePickup( int )
GetNumConsumablesPurchased | int GetNumConsumablesPurchased( int )
GetNumItemsPurchased | int GetNumItemsPurchased( int )
GetTimeOfLastItemPurchase | float GetTimeOfLastItemPurchase( int )
GetTimeOfLastConsumablePurchase | float GetTimeOfLastConsumablePurchase( int )
GetTimeOfLastDeath | float GetTimeOfLastDeath( int )
GetRespawnSeconds | int GetRespawnSeconds( int )
IncrementTotalEarnedXP | void IncrementTotalEarnedXP( int, int )
GetTotalEarnedXP | int GetTotalEarnedXP( int )
AddClaimedFarm | void AddClaimedFarm( int, float )
GetClaimedFarm | float GetClaimedFarm( int )
GetRawPlayerDamage | int GetRawPlayerDamage( int )
ClearRawPlayerDamageMatrix | void ClearRawPlayerDamageMatrix( int )
ClearKillsMatrix | void ClearKillsMatrix( int )
GetTowerDamageTaken | int GetTowerDamageTaken( int )
GetCreepDamageTaken | int GetCreepDamageTaken( int )
GetHeroDamageTaken | int GetHeroDamageTaken( int )
GetDamageDoneToHero | int GetDamageDoneToHero( int, int )
GetKillsDoneToHero | int GetKillsDoneToHero( int, int )
GetSelectedHeroName | cstring GetSelectedHeroName( int )
GetSelectedHeroID | int GetSelectedHeroID( int )
IsHeroSelected | bool IsHeroSelected( cstring )
WhoSelectedHero | int WhoSelectedHero( cstring )
GetSelectedHeroEntity | hscript GetSelectedHeroEntity( int )
HasSelectedHero | bool HasSelectedHero( int )
GetPlayer | hscript GetPlayer( int )
GetNthPlayerIDOnTeam | int GetNthPlayerIDOnTeam( int, int )
IncrementLastHits | void IncrementLastHits( int )
GetLastHits | int GetLastHits( int )
IncrementGoldBagsCollected | void IncrementGoldBagsCollected( int )
GetGoldBagsCollected | int GetGoldBagsCollected( int )
IncrementLastHitStreak | void IncrementLastHitStreak( int )
ClearLastHitStreak | void ClearLastHitStreak( int )
GetLastHitStreak | int GetLastHitStreak( int )
IncrementLastHitMultikill | void IncrementLastHitMultikill( int )
ClearLastHitMultikill | void ClearLastHitMultikill( int )
GetLastHitMultikill | int GetLastHitMultikill( int )
IncrementNearbyCreepDeaths | void IncrementNearbyCreepDeaths( int )
GetNearbyCreepDeaths | int GetNearbyCreepDeaths( int )
IncrementDenies | void IncrementDenies( int )
GetDenies | int GetDenies( int )
IncrementClaimedMisses | void IncrementClaimedMisses( int )
GetClaimedMisses | int GetClaimedMisses( int )
IncrementClaimedDenies | void IncrementClaimedDenies( int )
GetClaimedDenies | int GetClaimedDenies( int )
IncrementMisses | void IncrementMisses( int )
GetMisses | int GetMisses( int )
UpdateTeamSlot | void UpdateTeamSlot( int, int )
GetTeam | int GetTeam( int )
IsBroadcaster | bool IsBroadcaster( int )
GetBroadcasterChannel | uint GetBroadcasterChannel( int )
GetBroadcasterChannelSlot | uint GetBroadcasterChannelSlot( int )
GetSteamAccountID | uint GetSteamAccountID( int )
IsFakeClient | bool IsFakeClient( int )
HaveAllPlayersJoined | bool HaveAllPlayersJoined()
GetPlayerLoadedCompletely | bool GetPlayerLoadedCompletely( int )
SetPlayerReservedState | void SetPlayerReservedState( int, bool )
GetPlayerReservedState | bool GetPlayerReservedState( int )
GetConnectionState | unknown_variant_type GetConnectionState( int )
HeroLevelUp | void HeroLevelUp( int )
SetLastBuybackTime | void SetLastBuybackTime( int, int )
GetPlayerName | cstring GetPlayerName( int )
GetUnitShareMaskForPlayer | int GetUnitShareMaskForPlayer( int, int )
IsHeroSharedWithPlayerID | bool IsHeroSharedWithPlayerID( int, int )
AreUnitsSharedWithPlayerID | bool AreUnitsSharedWithPlayerID( int, int )
IsDisableHelpSetForPlayerID | bool IsDisableHelpSetForPlayerID( int, int )
SetUnitShareMaskForPlayer | void SetUnitShareMaskForPlayer( int, int, int, bool )
GetNumCouriersForTeam | int GetNumCouriersForTeam( int )
GetNthCourierForTeam | hscript GetNthCourierForTeam( int, int )
SetBuybackCooldownTime | void SetBuybackCooldownTime( int, float )
SetBuybackGoldLimitTime | void SetBuybackGoldLimitTime( int, float )
ResetBuybackCostTime | void ResetBuybackCostTime( int )
ReplaceHeroWith | hscript ReplaceHeroWith( int, cstring, int, int )
(playerID, heroClassName, gold, XP) - replaces the player's hero with a new one of the specified class, gold and XP |
SetCustomBuybackCost | void SetCustomBuybackCost( int, int )
Set the buyback cost for this player. |
SetCustomBuybackCooldown | void SetCustomBuybackCooldown( int, float )
Set the buyback cooldown for this player. |
GetCustomBuybackCost | int GetCustomBuybackCost( int )
GetCustomBuybackCooldown | float GetCustomBuybackCooldown( int )
CDOTABaseGameMode extends CBaseEntity
Base game mode class
Function | Signature | Description |
BeginThink | bool BeginThink( cstring, hscript, float )
Start a think callback. Takes a function and an interval |
EndThink | void EndThink( cstring )
Stop a think callback. |
SetAlwaysShowPlayerInventory | void SetAlwaysShowPlayerInventory( bool )
Show the player hero's inventory in the HUD, regardless of what unit is selected. |
SetGoldSoundDisabled | void SetGoldSoundDisabled( bool )
Turn the sound when gold is acquired off/on. Takes a bool. |
SetRecommendedItemsDisabled | void SetRecommendedItemsDisabled( bool )
Turn the panel for showing recommended items at the shop off/on. Takes a bool. |
SetCameraDistanceOverride | void SetCameraDistanceOverride( float )
Set a different camera distance; dota default is 1134. |
SetOverrideSelectionEntity | void SetOverrideSelectionEntity( hscript )
Set an override for the default selection entity, instead of each player's hero. |
SetRemoveIllusionsOnDeath | void SetRemoveIllusionsOnDeath( bool )
Make it so illusions are immediately removed upon death, rather than sticking around for a few seconds. |
ClientLoadGridNav | void ClientLoadGridNav()
Tell clients that they need to load gridnav information. Used for things like allowing clients to identify valid locations to place buildings. |
SetFogOfWarDisabled | void SetFogOfWarDisabled( bool )
Turn the fog of war on or off. |
SetCustomBuybackCostEnabled | void SetCustomBuybackCostEnabled( bool )
Turns on capability to define custom buyback costs. |
SetCustomBuybackCooldownEnabled | void SetCustomBuybackCooldownEnabled( bool )
Turns on capability to define custom buyback cooldowns. |
CBaseAnimating extends CBaseEntity
Animating models
Function | Signature | Description |
LookupAttachment | int LookupAttachment( cstring )
Get the named attachement id |
GetAttachmentOrigin | vector GetAttachmentOrigin( int )
Get the attachement id's origin vector |
GetAttachmentAngles | vector GetAttachmentAngles( int )
Get the attachement id's angles as a p,y,r vector |
IsSequenceFinished | bool IsSequenceFinished()
Ask whether the main sequence is done playing |
SetBodygroup | void SetBodygroup( int, int )
Sets a bodygroup |
SetModelScale | void SetModelScale( float, float )
Set the model scale |
CBaseFlex extends CBaseAnimating
Animated characters who have vertex flex capability.
Function | Signature | Description |
GetCurrentScene | hscript GetCurrentScene()
Returns the instance of the oldest active scene entity (if any). |
GetSceneByIndex | hscript GetSceneByIndex( int )
Returns the instance of the scene entity at the specified index. |
CDOTA_BaseNPC extends CBaseFlex
A Dota NPC Unit
Function | Signature | Description |
IsAncient | bool IsAncient()
Is this creature an Ancient? |
IsNeutralUnitType | bool IsNeutralUnitType()
Is this a neutral? |
IsSummoned | bool IsSummoned()
Is this unit summoned? |
IsCreature | bool IsCreature()
Is this a Creature type NPC |
IsHero | bool IsHero()
Is this a hero or hero illusion? |
IsRealHero | bool IsRealHero()
Is this a real hero? |
IsTower | bool IsTower()
Is this a tower? |
IsAlive | bool IsAlive()
Is this unit alive? |
IsMechanical | bool IsMechanical()
Is the unit mechanical? |
IsPhantom | bool IsPhantom()
Is this a phantom unit? |
SetInitialGoalEntity | void SetInitialGoalEntity( hscript )
Sets the initial waypoint goal for this NPC |
GetInitialGoalEntity | hscript GetInitialGoalEntity()
Returns the initial waypoint goal for this NPC |
SetMustReachEachGoalEntity | void SetMustReachEachGoalEntity( bool )
Set whether this NPC is required to reach each goal entity, rather than being allowed to 'unkink' their path |
GetMustReachEachGoalEntity | bool GetMustReachEachGoalEntity()
Get whether this NPC is required to reach each goal entity, rather than being allowed to 'unkink' their path |
AddNewModifier | void AddNewModifier( hscript, hscript, cstring, hscript )
Add a modifier to this unit |
HasModifier | bool HasModifier( cstring )
Sees if this unit has a given modifier |
RemoveModifierByName | void RemoveModifierByName( cstring )
Removes a modifier |
RemoveModifierByNameAndCaster | void RemoveModifierByNameAndCaster( cstring, hscript )
Removes a modifier that was cast by the given caster |
AddItem | void AddItem( hscript )
Add an item to this unit's inventory. |
AddAbility | void AddAbility( cstring )
Add an ability to this unit by name. |
RemoveAbility | void RemoveAbility( cstring )
Remove an ability from this unit by name. |
HasAbility | bool HasAbility( cstring )
See whether this unit has an ability by name. |
FindAbilityByName | hscript FindAbilityByName( cstring )
Retrieve an ability by name from the unit. |
GetGoldBounty | int GetGoldBounty()
Get the gold bounty on this unit |
SetDeathXP | void SetDeathXP( int )
Set the XP bounty on this unit |
GetDeathXP | int GetDeathXP()
Get the XP bounty on this unit |
GetUnitName | cstring GetUnitName()
Get the name of this unit. |
GetTeamNumber | int GetTeamNumber()
Get the team number of this unit. |
GetPlayerOwner | hscript GetPlayerOwner()
Returns the player that owns this unit |
SetMaximumGoldBounty | void SetMaximumGoldBounty( int )
Set the maximum gold bounty for this unit. |
SetMinimumGoldBounty | void SetMinimumGoldBounty( int )
Set the minimum gold bounty for this unit. |
GetTotalPurchasedUpgradeGoldCost | int GetTotalPurchasedUpgradeGoldCost()
Get how much gold has been spent on ability upgrades. |
ForceKill | void ForceKill( bool )
Kill this unit immediately. |
GetBaseDamageMin | int GetBaseDamageMin()
Get the minimum attack damage of this unit. |
GetBaseDamageMax | int GetBaseDamageMax()
Get the maximum attack damage of this unit. |
Heal | void Heal( float, hscript )
Heal this unit. |
GetMaxHealth | int GetMaxHealth()
Get the maximum health of this unit. |
GetHealthPercent | int GetHealthPercent()
Get the current health percent of the unit. |
SetMana | void SetMana( float )
Set the mana on this unit. |
GetMaxMana | float GetMaxMana()
Get the maximum mana of this unit. |
RespawnUnit | void RespawnUnit()
Respawns the target unit if it can be respawned. |
GetLevel | int GetLevel()
Returns the level of this unit. |
GetItemInSlot | hscript GetItemInSlot( int )
Returns nth item in inventory slot (index is zero based) |
SetOriginalModel | void SetOriginalModel( cstring )
Sets the original model of this entity, which it will tend to fall back to anytime its state changes |
AddNoDraw | void AddNoDraw()
Adds the no draw flag. |
RemoveNoDraw | void RemoveNoDraw()
Remove the no draw flag. |
GetPlayerOwnerID | int GetPlayerOwnerID()
Get the owner player ID for this unit. |
IsRangedAttacker | bool IsRangedAttacker()
Is this unit a ranged attacker? |
GetCurrentActiveAbility | hscript GetCurrentActiveAbility()
Get the ability this unit is currently casting. |
MoveToPosition | void MoveToPosition( vector )
Issue a Move-To command |
MoveToPositionAggressive | void MoveToPositionAggressive( vector )
Issue an Attack-Move-To command |
MoveToNPC | void MoveToNPC( hscript )
Move to follow a unit. |
MoveToTargetToAttack | void MoveToTargetToAttack( hscript )
Move to a target to attack. |
Hold | void Hold()
Hold position. |
Stop | void Stop()
Stop the current order. |
CastAbilityToggle | void CastAbilityToggle( hscript, int )
Toggle an ability. |
CastAbilityImmediately | void CastAbilityImmediately( hscript, int )
Cast an ability immediately. |
CastAbilityOnPosition | void CastAbilityOnPosition( vector, hscript, int )
Cast an ability on a position. |
CastAbilityOnTarget | void CastAbilityOnTarget( hscript, hscript, int )
Cast an ability on a target entity. |
CastAbilityNoTarget | void CastAbilityNoTarget( hscript, int )
Cast an ability with no target. |
DropItemAtPosition | void DropItemAtPosition( vector, hscript )
Drop an item at a given point. |
MoveToNPCToGiveItem | void MoveToNPCToGiveItem( hscript, hscript )
Give an item to another unit. |
PickupDroppedItem | void PickupDroppedItem( hscript )
Pick up a dropped item. |
PickupRune | void PickupRune( hscript )
Pick up a rune. |
DropItemAtPositionImmediate | void DropItemAtPositionImmediate( hscript, vector )
Immediately drop a carried item at a given position. |
CDOTA_BaseNPC_Building extends CDOTA_BaseNPC
A building.
Function | Signature | Description |
GetInvulnCount | int GetInvulnCount()
Get the invulnerability count for a building. |
SetInvulnCount | void SetInvulnCount( int )
Set the invulnerability counter of this building. |
CDOTABaseAbility extends CBaseEntity
An ability
Function | Signature | Description |
GetAbilityName | cstring GetAbilityName()
Returns the name of this ability. |
GetSpecialValueFor | variant GetSpecialValueFor( cstring )
Gets a value from this ability's special value block for its current level. |
GetCastRange | int GetCastRange()
Gets the cast range of the ability. |
IsFullyCastable | bool IsFullyCastable()
Returns whether the ability can be cast. |
IsChanneling | bool IsChanneling()
Returns whether the ability is currently channeling. |
IsInAbilityPhase | bool IsInAbilityPhase()
Returns whether the ability is currently casting. |
GetCooldown | float GetCooldown( int )
Get the cooldown duration for this ability at a given level, not the amount of cooldown actually left. |
EndCooldown | void EndCooldown()
Clear the cooldown remaining on this ability. |
MarkAbilityButtonDirty | void MarkAbilityButtonDirty()
Mark the ability button for this ability as needing a refresh |
SetLevel | void SetLevel( int )
Sets the level of this ability. |
CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creature extends CDOTA_BaseNPC
A Dota NPC Unit
Function | Signature | Description |
CreatureLevelUp | void CreatureLevelUp( int )
Level the creature up by the specified number of levels |
AddItemDrop | void AddItemDrop( hscript )
Add the specified item drop to this creature |
SetChampion | void SetChampion( bool )
Flag this unit as a champion creature. |
IsChampion | bool IsChampion()
Is this unit a champion? |
SetHPGain | void SetHPGain( int )
Set the hit points gained per level on this creature. |
SetManaGain | void SetManaGain( int )
Set the mana points gained per level on this creature. |
SetHPRegenGain | void SetHPRegenGain( float )
Set the hit points regen gained per level on this creature. |
SetManaRegenGain | void SetManaRegenGain( float )
Set the mana points regen gained per level on this creature. |
SetDamageGain | void SetDamageGain( int )
Set the damage gained per level on this creature. |
SetArmorGain | void SetArmorGain( float )
Set the armor gained per level on this creature. |
SetMagicResistanceGain | void SetMagicResistanceGain( float )
Set the magic resistance gained per level on this creature. |
SetDisableResistanceGain | void SetDisableResistanceGain( float )
Set the disable resistance gained per level on this creature. |
SetAttackTimeGain | void SetAttackTimeGain( float )
Set the attack time gained per level on this creature. |
SetMoveSpeedGain | void SetMoveSpeedGain( int )
Set the move speed gained per level on this creature. |
SetBountyGain | void SetBountyGain( int )
Set the bounty gold gained per level on this creature. |
SetXPGain | void SetXPGain( int )
Set the xp reward gained per level on this creature. |
CDOTA_BaseNPC_Hero extends CDOTA_BaseNPC
A Dota Hero NPC
Function | Signature | Description |
ModifyGold | int ModifyGold( int, bool, int )
Gives this hero some gold |
GetGold | int GetGold()
Returns gold amount for the player owning this hero |
SetGold | void SetGold( int, bool )
Sets the gold amount for the player owning this hero |
GetCurrentXP | int GetCurrentXP()
Returns the amount of XP |
GetPlayerID | int GetPlayerID()
Returns player ID of the player owning this hero |
RespawnHero | void RespawnHero( bool, bool, bool )
Respawn this hero. |
HeroLevelUp | void HeroLevelUp( bool )
Levels up the hero, true or false to play effects. |
GetAbilityPoints | int GetAbilityPoints()
Gets the current unspent ability points. |
SetAbilityPoints | void SetAbilityPoints( int )
Sets the current unspent ability points. |
SetCustomDeathXP | void SetCustomDeathXP( int )
Sets a custom experience value for this hero. Note, GameRules boolean must be set for this to work! |
CDotaQuest extends CBaseEntity
A quest
Function | Signature | Description |
SetTextReplaceValue | void SetTextReplaceValue( int, int )
Set a quest value |
CompleteQuest | void CompleteQuest()
Mark this quest complete |
SetTextReplaceString | void SetTextReplaceString( cstring )
Set the text replace string for this quest |
AddSubquest | void AddSubquest( hscript )
Add a subquest to this quest |
RemoveSubquest | void RemoveSubquest( hscript )
Remove a subquest from this quest |
GetSubquestByName | hscript GetSubquestByName( cstring )
Finds a subquest from this quest by name |
GetSubquest | hscript GetSubquest( int )
Finds a subquest from this quest by index |
CDOTA_Item extends CDOTABaseAbility
A usable item.
Function | Signature | Description |
SetPurchaseTime | void SetPurchaseTime( float )
Set the purchase time of this item |
GetPurchaseTime | float GetPurchaseTime()
Get the purchase time of this item |
SetPurchaser | void SetPurchaser( hscript )
Set the purchaser of record for this item. |
GetInitialCharges | int GetInitialCharges()
Get the initial number of charges this item has. |
GetCurrentCharges | int GetCurrentCharges()
Get the number of charges this item currently has. |
SetCurrentCharges | void SetCurrentCharges( int )
Set the number of charges on this item |
GetPurchaser | hscript GetPurchaser()
Get the purchaser for this item. |
Think | void Think()
Think this item |
IsPermanent | bool IsPermanent()
Is this a permanent item? |
StacksWithOtherOwners | bool StacksWithOtherOwners()
SetStacksWithOtherOwners | void SetStacksWithOtherOwners( bool )
GetShareability | int GetShareability()
GetCost | int GetCost()
LaunchLoot | void LaunchLoot( bool, float, float, vector )
GetContainer | hscript GetContainer()
Get the container for this item. |
CDOTA_Item_DataDriven extends CDOTA_Item
A data driven usable item.
Function | Signature | Description |
ApplyDataDrivenModifier | void ApplyDataDrivenModifier( hscript, hscript, cstring, hscript )
Applies a data driven modifier to the target |
CDotaSubquestBase extends CBaseEntity
A subquest
Function | Signature | Description |
SetTextReplaceValue | void SetTextReplaceValue( int, int )
Set a subquest value |
CompleteSubquest | void CompleteSubquest()
Mark this subquest complete |
SetTextReplaceString | void SetTextReplaceString( cstring )
Set the text replace string for this subquest |
CDOTAPlayer extends CBaseAnimating
Function | Signature | Description |
GetPlayerID | int GetPlayerID()
Get the player's official PlayerID; notably is -1 when the player isn't yet on a team. |
GetAssignedHero | hscript GetAssignedHero()
Get the player's hero. |
SetKillCamUnit | void SetKillCamUnit( hscript )
Set the kill cam unit for this hero. |
MakeRandomHeroSelection | void MakeRandomHeroSelection()
Randoms this player's hero. |
SetMusicStatus | void SetMusicStatus( int, float )
(nMusicStatus, flIntensity) - Set the music status for this player, note this will only really apply if dota_music_battle_enable is off. |
CDOTA_Item_Physical extends CBaseAnimating
A physical item dropped in the world
Function | Signature | Description |
GetCreationTime | float GetCreationTime()
Returns the game time when this item was created in the world |
GetContainedItem | hscript GetContainedItem()
Returned the contained item. |
SetContainedItem | void SetContainedItem( hscript )
Set the contained item. |
ShowMessage | void ShowMessage( cstring )
Print a hud message on all clients |
GetMapName | cstring GetMapName()
Get the name of the map. |
SendToConsole | void SendToConsole( cstring )
Send a string to the console as a client command |
SendToServerConsole | void SendToServerConsole( cstring )
Send a string to the console as a server command |
PrintLinkedConsoleMessage | void PrintLinkedConsoleMessage( cstring, cstring )
Print a console message with a linked console command |
InitLogFile | void InitLogFile( cstring, cstring )
If the given file doesn't exist, creates it with the given contents; does nothing if it exists |
AppendToLogFile | void AppendToLogFile( cstring, cstring )
Appends a string to a log file on the server |
GetWorldMinX | float GetWorldMinX()
Gets the world's minimum X position. |
GetWorldMinY | float GetWorldMinY()
Gets the world's maximum Y position. |
GetWorldMaxX | float GetWorldMaxX()
Gets the world's minimum X position. |
GetWorldMaxY | float GetWorldMaxY()
Gets the world's maximum Y position. |
Time | float Time()
Get the current server time |
GetSystemTime | cstring GetSystemTime()
Get the current real world time |
GetSystemDate | cstring GetSystemDate()
Get the current real world date |
UTIL_RemoveImmediate | void UTIL_RemoveImmediate( hscript )
Immediately removes the specified entity |
DoEntFire | void DoEntFire( cstring, cstring, cstring, float, hscript, hscript )
#EntFire:Generate and entity i/o event |
EntFireByHandle | void EntFireByHandle( hscript, cstring, cstring, float, hscript, hscript )
Generate and entity i/o event |
IsValidEntity | bool IsValidEntity( hscript )
Checks to see if the given hScript is a valid entity |
IsMarkedForDeletion | bool IsMarkedForDeletion( hscript )
Returns true if the entity is valid and marked for deletion. |
DoUniqueString | cstring DoUniqueString( cstring )
#UniqueString:Generate a string guaranteed to be unique across the life of the script VM, with an optional root string. Useful for adding data to tables when not sure what keys are already in use in that table. |
ListenToGameEvent | int ListenToGameEvent( cstring, hscript, hscript )
Register as a listener for a game event from script. |
StopListeningToGameEvent | bool StopListeningToGameEvent( int )
Stop listening to a particular game event. |
FireGameEvent | void FireGameEvent( cstring, hscript )
Fire a game event. |
FireGameEventLocal | void FireGameEventLocal( cstring, hscript )
Fire a game event without broadcasting to the client. |
PauseGame | void PauseGame( bool )
Pause or unpause the game. |
EntIndexToHScript | hscript EntIndexToHScript( int )
Turn an entity index integer to an HScript representing that entity's script instance. |
PlayerInstanceFromIndex | hscript PlayerInstanceFromIndex( int )
Get a script instance of a player by index. |
GetListenServerHost | hscript GetListenServerHost()
Get the local player on a listen server. |
ScreenShake | void ScreenShake( vector, float, float, float, float, int, bool )
Start a screenshake with the following parameters. vecCenter, flAmplitude, flFrequency, flDuration, flRadius, eCommand( SHAKE_START = 0, SHAKE_STOP = 1 ), bAirShake |
SpawnEntityFromTable | bool SpawnEntityFromTable( cstring, hscript, hscript, hscript, hscript )
Spawns a single entity from a table |
SpawnEntityFromTableSync | hscript SpawnEntityFromTableSync( cstring, hscript )
Spawns a single entity from a table |
SpawnEntityGroupFromTable | bool SpawnEntityGroupFromTable( hscript, bool, hscript )
Hierarchically spawn an entity group from a set of spawn tables. |
PrecacheEntityFromTable | bool PrecacheEntityFromTable( hscript )
Precache an entity from KeyValues in table |
PrecacheResource | void PrecacheResource( cstring, cstring )
Manually precache a single resource |
VectorToAngles | qangle VectorToAngles( vector )
Get Qangles (with no roll) for a Vector. |
RotatePosition | vector RotatePosition( vector, qangle, vector )
Rotate a Vector around a point. |
RotateOrientation | qangle RotateOrientation( qangle, qangle )
Rotate a QAngle by another QAngle. |
RotationDelta | qangle RotationDelta( qangle, qangle )
Find the delta between two angles. |
EmitSoundOn | void EmitSoundOn( cstring, hscript )
Play named sound on Entity |
EmitSoundOnClient | void EmitSoundOnClient( cstring, hscript )
Play named sound only on the client for the passed in player |
EmitGlobalSound | void EmitGlobalSound( cstring )
Play named sound for all players |
StopSoundOn | void StopSoundOn( cstring, hscript )
Stop named sound on Entity |
GetPhysVelocity | vector GetPhysVelocity( hscript )
Get Velocity for VPHYS or normal object |
GetPhysAngularVelocity | vector GetPhysAngularVelocity( hscript )
Get Angular Velocity for VPHYS or normal object |
Say | void Say( hscript, cstring, bool )
Have Entity say string, and teamOnly or not |
AddThinkToEnt | void AddThinkToEnt( hscript, cstring )
Adds a late bound think function to the C++ think tables for the obj |
LoadKeyValues | variant LoadKeyValues( cstring )
Creates a table from the specified keyvalues text file |
LoadKeyValuesFromString | variant LoadKeyValuesFromString( cstring )
Creates a table from the specified keyvalues string |
DebugDrawScreenTextLine | void DebugDrawScreenTextLine( float, float, int, cstring, int, int, int, int, float )
Draw text with a line offset (x, y, lineOffset, text, r, g, b, a, duration) |
DebugDrawText | void DebugDrawText( vector, cstring, bool, float )
Draw text in 3d (origin, text, bViewCheck, duration) |
DebugDrawBox | void DebugDrawBox( vector, vector, vector, int, int, int, int, float )
Draw a debug overlay box (origin, mins, maxs, forward, r, g, b, a, duration ) |
DebugDrawLine | void DebugDrawLine( vector, vector, int, int, int, bool, float )
Draw a debug overlay line (origin, target, r, g, b, ztest, duration) |
DebugDrawCircle | void DebugDrawCircle( vector, vector, float, float, bool, float )
Draw a debug circle (center, vRgb, a, rad, a, ztest, duration) |
DebugDrawLine_vCol | void DebugDrawLine_vCol( vector, vector, vector, bool, float )
Draw a debug line using color vec (start, end, vRgb, a, ztest, duration) |
DebugDrawBoxDirection | void DebugDrawBoxDirection( vector, vector, vector, vector, vector, float, float )
Draw a debug forward box (cent, min, max, forward, vRgb, a, duration) |
DebugDrawClear | void DebugDrawClear()
Try to clear all the debug overlay info |
GetFrameCount | int GetFrameCount()
Returns the engines current frame count |
IsDedicatedServer | bool IsDedicatedServer()
Returns true if this server is a dedicated server. |
CreateUnitByName | hscript CreateUnitByName( cstring, vector, bool, hscript, hscript, int )
Creates a DOTA unit by its dota_npc_units.txt name |
PrecacheUnitByName | bool PrecacheUnitByName( cstring )
Precaches a DOTA unit by its dota_npc_units.txt name |
CreateHeroForPlayer | hscript CreateHeroForPlayer( cstring, hscript )
Creates a DOTA hero by its dota_npc_units.txt name and sets it as the given player's controlled hero |
CreateItem | hscript CreateItem( cstring, hscript, hscript )
Create a DOTA item |
CreateItemOnPosition | hscript CreateItemOnPosition( vector )
Create a physical item at a given location |
FindClearSpaceForUnit | void FindClearSpaceForUnit( hscript, vector, bool )
Place a unit somewhere not already occupied. |
FindUnitsInRadius | variant FindUnitsInRadius( int, vector, hscript, float, int, int, int, int, bool )
Finds the units in a given radius with the given flags. |
PrecacheUnit | void PrecacheUnit( cstring )
Precaches all the resources for a given unit. |
GetFrostyPointsForRound | int GetFrostyPointsForRound( int, int, int )
GetGoldFrostyPointsForRound | int GetGoldFrostyPointsForRound( int, int, int )
GetFrostyBoostAmount | float GetFrostyBoostAmount( int, int )
GetGoldFrostyBoostAmount | float GetGoldFrostyBoostAmount( int, int )
SendFrostyPointsMessageToGC | void SendFrostyPointsMessageToGC( hscript )
SendFrostivusTimeElapsedToGC | void SendFrostivusTimeElapsedToGC()
ExecuteOrderFromTable | void ExecuteOrderFromTable( hscript )
Issue an order from a script table |
ShowGenericPopup | void ShowGenericPopup( cstring, cstring, cstring, cstring, int )
Show a generic popup dialog for all players. |
ShowGenericPopupToPlayer | void ShowGenericPopupToPlayer( hscript, cstring, cstring, cstring, cstring, int )
Show a generic popup dialog to a specific player. |