Name: Aleksandr Sugard
Date of birth: 20 december 1983
Occupation: Java Developer (2-3 years exp.)
- Photography
- Python, JS jQuery Library and other stuff
- Degu (have 2 at home)
- Google stuff (everything)
Live in Estonia
Studding in Tallinn Technical University
Languages: Russian (Native), English (good), Estonian (poor)
- MSN: my idiotic email address for msn
- ICQ: 331125 (Almost never use)
- Email: [email protected]
I can test mods and other stuff. If I like the mod's description minimally, I'll try it. I can describe my feelings and emotions as a usual game player. I'm here because I like Portal and am currently very interested in the Source SDK, Hammer, Level design and everything connected to those. I have minimum experience in 3D design, but I have programming skills, and I like to put it into mod creating.