User:SirYodaJedi/Source map compiler wishlist/FGD

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@SolidClass = func_group : "This is a regular world brush, which gets collapsed to worldspawn"
    _surf_trans(choices) : "Don't cast shadows" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "10" : "Yes"
        "-10" : "No"
    _surf_noportal(choices) : "Not portalable" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "64" : "Yes"
        "-64" : "Yes"
    _surf_nodraw(choices) : "Treat as nodraw" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "128" : "Yes"
        "-128" : "Yes"
    _surf_nolight(choices) : "Don't create lightmaps" : : "Face is fullbright" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "1024" : "Yes"
    _surf_noshadows(choices) : "Don't receive shadows" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "4096" : "Yes"

    _cont_empty(choices) : "Non-solid to everything" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "-4294967295" : "Yes"
    _cont_grate(choices) : "Non-solid to bullets only" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "8" : "Yes"
        "-8" : "No"
    _cont_debris(choices) : "Non-solid to QPhysics only" : : "" =
        "" : "Default from VMT"
        "67108864" : "Yes"
        "-67108864" : "No"

    _liquidtype(choices) : "Override liquid type" : : "" =
        // Only used when the material is already liquid, as there's a bunch of VMT-specific stuff
        "" : "Default"
        "1" : "Water"
        "2" : "Slime"

@SolidClass base(func_group) = func_detail : ""

    _detail_noclip(choices) : "Strip brushsides" : : "Strip brushsides from this func_detail, causing it to be completely non-solid, and unable to be decompiled. Use only if close to brushside limit." =
        "" : "No"
        "1" : "Yes"
    _detaillevel(choices) : "Detail level" : : "Small details on larger details should use mode 1. Very large details which are causing lighting problems should use mode -1." =
        "-1" : "Chops world and func_detail" // Quake II-style
        "" : "Chopped by world; chops func_detail" // Source-style
        "1" : "Chopped by world and func_detail"
   _detail_notjunc(choices) : "Don't fix t-junctions" : : "Only use if map refuses to compile due to exceeding the t-junction limit." =
        "" : "Fix t-junctions (recommend)"
        "1" : "Don't fix t-junctions"
@SolidClass base(func_group) = func_ladder : ""
    _ladder_forcedetail(choices) : "Treat as detail brush?" : : "" =
        "" : "Detail if opaque and/or nodraw"
        "1" : "Always detail"
        "-1" : "Never detail"
@SolidClass base(func_group) = func_illusionary_visblocker : "This brushwork will block VIS, but will be nonsolid." 
    _visblocker_solidity(choices) : "Solidity" : : "" =
        "" : "Empty - non-solid to everything"
        "1" : "Grate - nonsolid to bullets"
        "2" : "Debris - nonsolid to QPhysics"

@PointClass = light_shadow : "" []
@PointClass base(light_spot) light(spot) = light_surface : "" []
@PointClass base(light_spot) light(spot) = light_rect : "" []
@PointClass base(light_spot) light(spot) = light_projectedtexture : "" []
@SolidClass base(light_environment) light(sun) = func_sunlight : "Like light_environment, but only affects within its boundaries." []