Need a writer to pen your upcoming TF2 movie? More funny AI lines for your Portal levels? Stories and lore in the books of your Oblivion-killer? Characters need fleshing out? Dialogs got you stumped? I'm the guy for you. My name is Simon Charles. I love to write, love to work in the mod community and Source are my favourite tools. I can help mod teams with game writing and/or testing.
As a paid author; 1 book, 10 short stories, 1 contest, including :
--Winner, best improv writing, Boréal 2006, Une ligne à suivre, published in Solaris 163, ISSN0709-8863
--Trente ans de métier, short story in Equinoxe (ISBN : 2-9807342-4-1), published by Les Six Brumes (2004)
As a game writer :
--Story writer at Evillusion (pc/xbox project)
--Narration, dialog, characters, quests
As a game tester :
--French localization and translation for various platforms and titles, from PC to the DS (character script, story, instructions, briefings, missions, technical documentation, etc.)
--Game testing for PC, console and mobile phones, in both gameplay and certification
--Guest of LucasArts and Shiny Entertainement in California, USA
Simon Charles