User:MrTwoVideoCards/Portal Review

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My Reviews

I sort of made this all together to officially rate and review games. You might ask why to even bother or why even trust my reviews. Well from a dev stand point, I see things, alot more than i used to. Not saying that I'm special, but I like to give my thoughts. I don't bash, don't flame, and above all never make fun of, unless the game is horrible. So sit back and enjoy. My goals are to tell you how awesome each and every game is, and why it's cool as well as why it is not ;_).


One of the most notable things about Portal is the fact that it is different. In fact a lot more different than a normal FPS. Portal brings in one of the most greatest game mechanics of all time, and that is the 4th dimension. Before you go off saying that I favor portal more than other games, you might want to play the game for your self. In fact portal visibly has nothing to complain about. Nothing that's annoying, nothing thats badly designed. To be honest, nothing is wrong with portal. In fact the game has so much constant cool factors and effects that the experience becomes very involving. Shooting a entrance portal while in midair to allow your momentum to be continuous. All of this goes so cleverly well into the gameplay. To really kick things off however, we at GEAR have a new rating system where we talk about some of the aspects of each part of a game. Whether it be sound, gameplay, or just graphics, it's all here. So sit back and relax, and read how awesome this game is.


Along with our new review critique, we promise not to spoil anything in the game whatsoever. In fact we promise not to ruin anything at all! So with that said let's dive straight into why portal is so interesting. The game starts off with the player in a so called "punishment chamber" or other words dubbed the "Refresh Chamber". Right from the begging you meet a friendly person, or rather computer voice named Glados. And yeah its not Gladys! Right after continuing throughout the game more and more is reviled. How Portal ties in to the Half Life Universe and so on. One of the most notable things about the story is the main facility where the entire game takes place. The Aperture Science Facility. The area much like black mesa in the old days, has this feel to it, which is reviled much more later in the game. As said, no spoilers.

Game Play:

Right off the bat, the game hands you the basic Valve tutorial. A nice learning curve to how portals are made and how to re-act to them. At first the game only lets you create one portal at a time, until later you have the control to make two. A entrance and a Exit. Yet color does not represent which is which, as that is your option. One of the main gameplay characteristics, is the basic, "how do i reach that ledge or go over this gap?". Yet the most interesting thing about portal is, the process becomes more advanced. So overtime it changes from a "how do I get up to that ledge?" to a "how do i activate this lift and then power this door, to allow me to get that ledge?" Many of the puzzles use the same basics. Whether it be a basic entrance or exit, to flinging your body over 30 feet in the air to reach a ledge, all of the game makes all this type of gameplay not repetitive, by adding more and more spice into it each and every time. Right away you learn something, then its back to re-tracing your thoughts and applying a bit more to them. The gameplay is fantastic all the way throughout the game, and becomes more and more harder by the end of the game, Until all together it becomes very much like knowing how to ride a bicycle. Continuously the game adds more and more things that make you think. Like "what angle do i need to place my portal at?" or "how far must I propel myself, just top reach that turret?". All in all you wont be bored in this area of the game!

Level Design:

This is a major factor in all games, and in fact at any time. Why, because it effects how fun a game is. How much of a roll you are on and how well the game plays above the rest. Also what puts it aside from the rest! In Portal right away, you realize you are a test subject, that's in a facility built and created for testing purposes. The level design shows that well. The well lit areas, to the streamlined areas, and even the implementation of detail to each and every room. Mainly one of the neatest things, is the "watch room". For some reason this acts later in the game to be more sinister than what it really was. Also including the fact that it acts as one of the main lighting sources in the room, or chamber.

As the player you go through a series of test chambers, each connected by elevators that allow as the 'progress feel' to the game. Right there and then, is the true architecture in the game. All simply built and plain one after another, but mainly for the purpose of game play. One of the most reasonable tricks in the book, is "dont place detail where youre not going to see it." Portal listens to that rule very well, and ultimately captures your view onto the most important aspects of the chamber.

Through each and every chamber is very unique design. Using walls and textures alike to sort out and aid the gameplay. Mainly Portal doesn't have maps that are just beautiful. Instead they have a different purpose. Rather than barricade that player with walls, each and every part of the chamber or area is part of the puzzle. It can affect how fast you can zoom through a chamber or not. This is why Portal is so awesome, and very hard to explain at the moment. The areas, or really the maps, are extremely well thought out. Some so difficult in thought that eventually the level design becomes strict. Very strict.

Another nice thing about Portal is that the color effect stays the same. Portal tends to have a white and blue teal to most of its innards, leaving you to feel uncompromisable in each room. As if you are going to be safe only to feel in danger again, which is why cold blue works so well with the game itself. Also lighting is streamed nicely on the ceilings of chamber rooms, and halls. Making for another nice effect within the game.

Making the puzzles all the more harder. The funny thing is i could rant on about this for days. Thats how much the mapping strikes gold, but sadly I can't. All together each and every map has its own feel, and sense of thought.


One of the major nails of Portal is the computer voice Glados. Playing without her talking seems to make portal very, blank. Glados constantly reminds you of the way you are doing, and how hard a puzzle might be to the point where it becomes very funny rather then annoying. Theres a lot of sarcasm in her voice (Voiced by Ellen McClain) and sometimes relief, and wittiness. The greatest thing is having her talking. She does love cake quite alot, and thats the great thing. Shes constantly saying things that make her interesting. Besides that her voice gives ambiance towards some of the chambers, and even other areas, Glados seems to sound at times very involved. And later, it becomes a lot more apparent.

These are the three main things that make a game. The main three important that matter most! So with that said Here comes the final scoring!

Story: 10/10

Gameplay: 10/10

Level Design: 10/10

Sound: 10/10

Round that up and this game comes out with a ten out of a ten. A perfect game, and on a streak to maybe even better sequel.

Overall Score: 10/10

Also I have reviewed other Portal maps on TWP, you can check them out here, in the Review section.