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  • Add GLOWS_ENABLE to the preprocessor directives on your client and server projects (don't forget to add it for release and debug, too!)
  • Add the following line to ClientModeShared::DoPostScreenSpaceEffects:
g_GlowObjectManager.RenderGlowEffects( pSetup, 0 );

Materials Required:

  • Precache the effect by placing this code in clientmode_shared.cpp (search for other references of CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_BEGIN for usage example):
CLIENTEFFECT_REGISTER_BEGIN( PrecachePostProcessingEffectsGlow )
CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "dev/glow_color" )
CLIENTEFFECT_MATERIAL( "dev/halo_add_to_screen" )

Don't forget to add the include defintion for the precache system!

#include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h"

(Optional) Transferring getters and setters from CBaseCombatCharacter

Icon-Important.pngImportant:This part is completely optional if you're okay with how glow works by default you can skip to usage section.
Note.pngNote:Color control and I/O control is possible without following entire transferring tutorial, however both of these subsections assume you have completed transferring tutorial and it's recommended since it allows to use glow on objects like prop_dynamic, etc.

By default objects derived from CBaseCombatCharacter have getters and setters which can be problematic.
This section shows how to transfer setters and getters from CBaseCombatCharacter to CBaseAnimating since most entities are derived from CBaseAnimating e.g. CBaseCombatCharacter, CDynamicProp, CBaseProp and more.

There are two parts: Server and Client, where we'll start with server first.
Firstly delete this part of code from basecombatcharacter.h (lines 415-420) and put it into baseanimating.h (recommended lines 54-58):

void				AddGlowEffect(void);
void				RemoveGlowEffect(void);
bool				IsGlowEffectActive(void);

After that, do the same thing to this part of code (basecombatcharacter.h, lines 459-462, baseanimating.h recommended lines 171-174):

CNetworkVar(bool, m_bGlowEnabled);
Note.pngNote:This part of code needs to be in protected: modifier. If there's no protected modifier make one

And finally repeat that with this part of code (basecombatcharacter.h, lines 467-468, baseanimating.h recommended lines 355-356)

void				UpdateGlowEffect( void );
void				DestroyGlowEffect( void );
Note.pngNote:This part of code needs to be in private: modifier

Now move to basecombatcharacter.cpp and baseanimating.cpp First part of code to delete from basecombatcharacter.cpp (lines 193-195) and put it into baseanimating.cpp (line 230):

SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bGlowEnabled ) ),

Next, from basecombatcharacter.cpp (lines 744-746) put this part of code into baseanimating.cpp CBaseAnimating::CBaseAnimating

m_bGlowEnabled.Set( false );

Lastly delete this from basecombatcharacter.cpp (lines 3227-3252)

// Purpose: 
void CBaseCombatCharacter::AddGlowEffect( void )
	SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS );
	m_bGlowEnabled.Set( true );

// Purpose: 
void CBaseCombatCharacter::RemoveGlowEffect( void )
	m_bGlowEnabled.Set( false );

// Purpose: 
bool CBaseCombatCharacter::IsGlowEffectActive( void )
	return m_bGlowEnabled;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

and put this part somewhere under CBaseAnimating::~CBaseAnimating in baseanimating.cpp

// Purpose: 
void CBaseAnimating::AddGlowEffect(void)

// Purpose: 
void CBaseAnimating::RemoveGlowEffect(void)

// Purpose: 
bool CBaseAnimating::IsGlowEffectActive(void)
	return m_bGlowEnabled;

This is the end of server part, now onto client part. We'll be mainly operating on two files c_baseanimating.cpp/.h and c_basecombatcharacter.cpp/.h Firstly delete this part from c_basecombatcharacter.h (lines 17-19) and put at the top of c_baseanimating.h

#include "glow_outline_effect.h"

Secondly is to delete this part of code from c_basecombatcharacter.h (lines 94-97) and put it into c_baseanimating.h (recommended lines 149-152)

CGlowObject			*GetGlowObject( void ){ return m_pGlowEffect; }
virtual void		GetGlowEffectColor( float *r, float *g, float *b );
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

Then repeat that for this for this part of code (from c_basecombatcharacter.h, lines 100-103 to c_baseanimating.h, recommended lines 458-461):

	virtual void		UpdateGlowEffect(void);
	virtual void		DestroyGlowEffect(void);
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

And this (from c_basecombatcharacter.h, lines 110-114 to c_baseanimating.h, recommended lines 481-485):

	bool				m_bGlowEnabled;
	bool				m_bOldGlowEnabled;
	CGlowObject			*m_pGlowEffect;

Now go into c_basecombatcharacter.cpp and c_baseanimating.cpp Firstly delete this part of code from c_basecombatcharacter.cpp (lines 33-37) and put it into c_baseanimating.cpp (recommended lines 737-741):

	m_pGlowEffect = NULL;
	m_bGlowEnabled = false;
	m_bOldGlowEnabled = false;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

Then delete this part of code from C_BaseCombatCharacter::~C_BaseCombatCharacter and put it into C_BaseAnimating::~C_BaseAnimating

#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

and repeat this for this part of code (from c_basecombatcharacter.h, lines 58-60 to c_baseanimating.h, recommended lines 4528-4530):

	m_bOldGlowEnabled = m_bGlowEnabled;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

and again (from c_basecombatcharacter.h, lines 66-71 to c_baseanimating.h, recommended lines 4716-4721):

	m_bOldGlowEnabled = m_bGlowEnabled;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

Remove this section of code from c_basecombatcharacter.h (lines 85-128)

// Purpose: 
void C_BaseCombatCharacter::GetGlowEffectColor( float *r, float *g, float *b )
	*r = 0.76f;
	*g = 0.76f;
	*b = 0.76f;

// Purpose: 
void C_BaseCombatCharacter::UpdateGlowEffect( void )
	// destroy the existing effect
	if ( m_pGlowEffect )

	// create a new effect
	if ( m_bGlowEnabled )
		float r, g, b;
		GetGlowEffectColor( &r, &g, &b );

		m_pGlowEffect = new CGlowObject( this, Vector( r, g, b ), 1.0, true );

// Purpose: 
void C_BaseCombatCharacter::DestroyGlowEffect( void )
	if ( m_pGlowEffect )
		delete m_pGlowEffect;
		m_pGlowEffect = NULL;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

and put this section in c_baseanimating.h (recommended start on line 4387):

// Purpose: 
void C_BaseAnimating::GetGlowEffectColor( float *r, float *g, float *b )
	*r = 0.76f;
	*g = 0.76f;
	*b = 0.76f;

// Purpose: 
void C_BaseAnimating::UpdateGlowEffect( void )
	// destroy the existing effect
	if ( m_pGlowEffect )

	// create a new effect
	if ( m_bGlowEnabled )
		float r, g, b;
		GetGlowEffectColor( &r, &g, &b );

		m_pGlowEffect = new CGlowObject( this, Vector( r, g, b ), 1.0, true );

// Purpose: 
void C_BaseAnimating::DestroyGlowEffect( void )
	if ( m_pGlowEffect )
		delete m_pGlowEffect;
		m_pGlowEffect = NULL;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

and lastly get this part of code from c_basecombatcharacter.cpp (lines 97-99) and put it into c_baseanimating.cpp (recommended lines 203-205):

	RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bGlowEnabled ) ),
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE
Expected result

And you're done. Now you can create entities with glow (e.g. prop_dynamic, npcs, etc.) as long as they're derived from CBaseAnimating onwards.

Adding color control for glow

This subsection will explain how to add glow color control so you can change color in code. Firstly open baseanimating.h and add void SetGlowEffectColor(float r, float g, float b); like this:

	void				SetGlowEffectColor(float r, float g, float b);
	void				AddGlowEffect(void);
	void				RemoveGlowEffect(void);
	bool				IsGlowEffectActive(void);

then add CNetworkVar(float, m_flGlowR);, CNetworkVar(float, m_flGlowG);, CNetworkVar(float, m_flGlowB); like this:

// this should be around line 172
	CNetworkVar(bool, m_bGlowEnabled);
	CNetworkVar(float, m_flGlowR);
	CNetworkVar(float, m_flGlowG);
	CNetworkVar(float, m_flGlowB);

Now in baseanimating.cpp add SendPropFloat(SENDINFO(m_flGlowR)),, SendPropFloat(SENDINFO(m_flGlowG)),, SendPropFloat(SENDINFO(m_flGlowB)), like this:

// this should be around line 229
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST(CBaseAnimating, DT_BaseAnimating)

In baseanimating.cpp add m_flGlowR.Set(0.76f);, m_flGlowG.Set(0.76f);, m_flGlowB.Set(0.76f); like this:

// this should be around line 299

Add this section of code in baseanimating.cpp like this:

// this should be around line 318
// Purpose: 
void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowEffectColor(float r, float g, float b)

That's it for the server side, now it's time for client side.
Firstly, inside c_baseanimating.h add float m_flGlowR, float m_flGlowG, float m_flGlowB like this:

// This should be around line 481
	float				m_flGlowR;
	float				m_flGlowG;
	float				m_flGlowB;
	bool				m_bGlowEnabled;
	bool				m_bOldGlowEnabled;
	CGlowObject* m_pGlowEffect;

Then in c_baseanimating.cpp add RecvPropFloat(RECVINFO(m_flGlowR)),, RecvPropFloat(RECVINFO(m_flGlowG)),, RecvPropFloat(RECVINFO(m_flGlowB)), like this:

// this should be around line 203
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

Add {{{1}}}, {{{1}}}, {{{1}}} in c_baseanimating.cpp like this:

// this should be around line 742
	m_flGlowR = 0.76f;
	m_flGlowG = 0.76f;
	m_flGlowB = 0.76f;
	m_pGlowEffect = NULL;
	m_bGlowEnabled = false;
	m_bOldGlowEnabled = false;
#endif // GLOWS_ENABLE

Now change C_BaseAnimating::GetGlowEffectColor to look like this:

void C_BaseAnimating::GetGlowEffectColor(float* r, float* g, float* b)
	*r = m_flGlowR;
	*g = m_flGlowG;
	*b = m_flGlowB;
Expected result with red outline as example

Now you can change the color of glow from white to any color you want. If you don't what values you should type in I suggest picker. Most important is RGB (float) field, since it's the value we want.

I/O control

This subsection will explain how to add Input/Output control for glow. Firstly add this part of code in baseanimating.h (recommended around line 300-302):

void ReloadGlow(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void SetGlowEnabled(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void SetGlowDisabled(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void SetGlowColorRed(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void SetGlowColorGreen(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void SetGlowColorBlue(inputdata_t& inputdata);
void SetGlowColor(inputdata_t& inputdata);

Next put this part of code in baseanimating.cpp (around line 200):

DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_VOID, "SetGlowEnabled", SetGlowEnabled),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_VOID, "SetGlowDisabled", SetGlowDisabled),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_FLOAT, "SetGlowColorRed", SetGlowColorRed),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_FLOAT, "SetGlowColorGreen", SetGlowColorGreen),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_FLOAT, "SetGlowColorBlue", SetGlowColorBlue),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC(FIELD_COLOR32, "SetGlowColor", SetGlowColor),

Lastly add this part of code in baseanimating.cpp (in the same #ifdef block as CBaseAnimating::SetGlowEffectColor(...)):

void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowEnabled(inputdata_t& inputdata)
void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowDisabled(inputdata_t& inputdata)
void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowColorRed(inputdata_t& inputdata)
void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowColorGreen(inputdata_t& inputdata)
void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowColorBlue(inputdata_t& inputdata)
void CBaseAnimating::SetGlowColor(inputdata_t& inputdata)
	color32 color = inputdata.value.Color32();
	SetGlowEffectColor(color.r/255, color.g/255, color.b/255);

Now you can test it out by jumping into game and running ent_fire command e.g. on prop_dynamic.
Inputs/Outputs created:

Note.pngNote:For now only way to apply new color is to call SetGlowDisabled first to disable glow and then SetGlowEnabled to reenable glow


If you have only followed activation then those are methods you can use:

myObject->AddGlowEffect(); //Make it glow
myObject->UpdateGlowEffect(); //Update glow
myObject->RemoveGlowEffect(); //Make it stop glowing

However if you have also followed color control subsection you can additionally use:

myObject->SetGlowEffectColor(float r, float g, float b); //Set color of glow

And if you have followed I/O control you can use these inputs/outputs:

Enables glow
Disables glow
SetGlowColorRed <float>
Sets the red value of glow color
SetGlowColorGreen <float>
Sets the green value of glow color
SetGlowColorBlue <float>
Sets the blue value of glow color
SetGlowColor <color255>
Sets the full glow color (RGB)