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It has been a while I have not updated my wiki-page.
I have updated my personal information, and here is a quick summary of my current wiki-projects for the community. I hope you will like it.
I also would like to point out that a new SDK version has been released. I'll have a look at it and perhaps I will write new articles related to the Hafl-Life 2 SDK.
- 1. Dutchmega and I are currently building a new complete tutorial related to coop and level transitions.
- This new article should be quicker and easier and should provide the same results.
- 2. I'm also thinking of building a completly new article related to Artifical Intelligence in multiplayer.
----Dolphin's Eye 18:45, 4 Aug 2006 (PDT)
My first article offers the programmers the ability to implement 100% working coop in their HL2DM games. Thus, each player can keep their equipment trought level changes like in Single Player mode.
My second article deals with A.I. It explains how to make NPCs work in multiplayers games - especially in coop games. Thus, this tutorial reveals how to enable A.I in mutiplayer games, then how to fix humanoid NPCs such as Combine Sodiers so they can move and shoot instead of starring at you like idiots!
My very last article at the moment is a full translation of Valve's article Create a Mod for the French Community.
About me
Here are my computer stats. Hail! Here is my new computer specs:
- Processor: AMD 64 3700+ 2.20 GHz
- Mainboard: AsRock 939DUAL-SATA2 HT2000 ULIM 1695
- Memory : Corsair ValueRAM PC3200 - 2 x 512 MB Dual Channel Mode
- Video : NVidia Geforce 7600GT 256 MB
- Monitor : FLATRON LCD 19" - L1915S 12ms
- Misc. : Network: DSL 8 bmps (down)/1 mbps (up) | OS: Windows XP
I will not reveal everything about me simpy because I think it will not provide a big interrest to anyone of you. Anyway, here are some key-info about me:
- Quick Info: Annecy, France. I am 19.
- Main Hobbies: Computers, programming, gaming and space.
- Contact: dolphineye
- MSN: dolphineye
- ICQ: 269 033 708 ( dolphineye )