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De-Multipaged Main Page

The idea is that it will replace the main page's base article, without nested templates and lang subpages (they'll be their own pages referenced in a more classical way. That is, to make a translation, a translator can copy the source code of this page to the translated version, and replace the text themselves. The few templates such as the navbox will then use translated versions too).

The statistics block is removed, as the only relevant part of it is the number of articles. It is a real measure of the wiki's volume of documentation, whereas number of edits or uploads grows too quickly, number of users is irrelevant, number of pages is grossly out of sync with documentation as so many of them are templates and such.

The template and strings lookups are kept at minimum to allow for ease of reading and maintenaning the page code. The background template is kept because it is one of the nice things.

Wireframe gradient.jpg
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