Unknown light specifier type

January 2024

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January 2024
When you get this error in your log, it means that somewhere you entered a wrong value for a light.
"unknown light specifier type - 236 156 85 236 156 851000"
This means in the properties, you entered: "236 156 85 236 156 851000" which isn't a valid entry. This needs to be four numbers at all times, so this will fix it: "236 156 85 1000" The first three values are the RGB values and the last number is for the intensity of the light.
Note:The best way to fix this is to hide the entire level except for the lights and use cordon to pinpoint to the faulty location of the light.
"unknown light specifier type - Duplication of 'ERROR�:' in file 'c:\program..."
Ensure that your commands and parameters in the expert dialogue box are free of typos, and on one line. Be sure there is no return/enter at the end of the parameters. Also worth double-checking your custom.rad for typos and syntax errors.