The Ship Single Player: Creating Chapters
Note:For the sake of this article,
represents your mod's directory name.Note:For the sake of this article,
represents the chapter number you are making.You'll probably want to use this article as a more thorough reference of a similar task.
Intro/outro maps only need a map command.
Intro/outro maps do not need one of these.
The "mission" key corresponds to one more than the number of missions preceding the target mission in scripts\sp\mission_obj.txt
This image should be scaled to 256x128 from 152x86.
materials\vgui\chapters\chapter#.vmt & materials\vgui\chapters\chapter#.vtf
The texture should be 256x128 with the 152x86 image embedded at the top left.
resource\MODDIR_english.txt (and other languages)
The chapter name should go in here with the string name as MODDIR_Chapter#_Title