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Time Proxy

For any reason, you may want to modulate time by scale it. The below material proxy is a simple sample to work properly.

Note.pngNote: you don't need to declare "CurrentTime" Proxie in cases where you don't need to relative modify time scale.
	"$time" "0.0"
	"$CurrentTime" "0.0" // declare a custom VMT Parameter to "CurrentTime" Proxie output
	"$timeMult" "0.5"    // declare a custom VMT Parameter to use at "Multiply" Proxie

			// It pass CurrentTime Proxie to "$CurrentTime" variable to scale materials effects such $emissiveblendscrollvector.
			"resultVar" "$CurrentTime" 
			"srcVar1" "$CurrentTime" // get $CurrentTime VMT parameter to multiply with srcVar2
			"srcVar2" "$timeMult"    // get $timeMult VMT parameter to multiply with srcVar1
			"resultVar" "$time"      // writes multiplication product into $time, scaling "CurrentTime" 