Template:O BaseActbusyGoal

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OnNPCStartedBusy <targetname>
Fired when an NPC targeted by this entity starts an ActBusy animation sequence. This output automatically puts the targetname of the NPC into the parameter box for inputs, if the mapper does not override the parameter with something else.
OnNPCFinishedBusy <targetname>
Fired when an NPC targeted by this entity finishes an ActBusy animation sequence. This output automatically puts the targetname of the NPC into the parameter box for inputs, if the mapper does not override the parameter with something else.
OnNPCLeft <targetname>
Fired when an NPC targeted by this goal, ordered by the ForceThisNPCToLeave input, finishes its forced leave. This output automatically puts the targetname of the NPC into the parameter box for inputs, if the mapper does not override the parameter with something else.
OnNPCLostSeeEntity <targetname>
Fired when the NPC loses sight of the Sight Entity. This output automatically puts the targetname of the NPC into the parameter box for inputs, if the mapper does not override the parameter with something else.
OnNPCSeeEnemy <targetname>
Fired when this NPC leaves their ActBusy because they saw an enemy. This output automatically puts the targetname of the NPC (that left the actbusy, not the enemy) into the parameter box for inputs, if the mapper does not override the parameter with something else.