Template:Language name/en

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This template was generated by taking the list of Valve Developer Community's languages and their corresponding BCP-47 tags from its API. IANA's assignments of region + language codes and ISO 15924's assignments of codes for writing systems were then used to give each tag a name in English.

IANA's redundant assignments were used to categorize variants of languages when applicable, though some were edited to be more concise.

Notes about language codes mentioned at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special_language_codes were taken into account and the codes were edited correspondingly.

zh-tw should be Taiwan Chinese, but was left as Taiwanese Mandarin for backwards compatibility.

de-ch was changed from "Swiss German" to "Swiss High German" (the literal translation of {{#language:de-ch}}) to differentiate it from gsw, which is for Swiss German, the dialect of Alemannic.

diq was changed from "Dimli (individual language)" to "Dimli". Similarly, kiu was changed from "Kirmanjki (individual language)" to "Kirmanjki".

to was changed from "Tonga (Tonga Islands)" to "Tongan" (there is no ambiguity in this; the Bantu languages known as "Tonga" are never referred to as "Tongan").

The desctiptor (macrolanguage) was removed from language names (such as Malay).

war was changed from "Waray (Philippines)" to "Waray".

The date ranges for Old English, Imperial Aramaic, and Ancient Greek were removed.

VDC API result

IANA language and region tags

ISO 15294