Template:KV Source 2 Light Style
Source 2 Light Style:
- Style (light_style)
([todo internal name (i)])
<vdata_choice> - Light Style.
- 0: candle_1
- 1: candle_2
- 2: candle_3
- 3: event_test
- 4: fast_strobe
- 5: flicker_1
- 6: flicker_2
- 7: fluorescent_flicker
- 8: gentle_pulse
- 9: slow_pulse_nofade
- 10: slow_strobe
- 11: slow_strong_pulse
- Radiance RGB Material Variable (light_style_radiance_var)
([todo internal name (i)])
<string> - Emissive RGB color for a light's material on appropriately sized geometry.
- Style RGB Material Variable (light_style_var)
([todo internal name (i)])
<string> - Light style multiplier ignoring the light's actual color.
- Style Output Event 0 (light_style_output_event0)
([todo internal name (i)])
<vdata_choice> - Name of the event that triggers the OnStyleEvent0 output.
- 0: buzz
- 1: flash
- 2: off
- 3: on
- 4: pop
- 5: spark
- Style Output Event 1 (light_style_output_event1)
([todo internal name (i)])
<vdata_choice> - Name of the event that triggers the OnStyleEvent1 output.
- Style Output Event 2 (light_style_output_event2)
([todo internal name (i)])
<vdata_choice> - Name of the event that triggers the OnStyleEvent2 output.
- Style Output Event 3 (light_style_output_event3)
([todo internal name (i)])
<vdata_choice> - Name of the event that triggers the OnStyleEvent3 output.
- Style Target 0 (light_style_target0)
([todo internal name (i)])
<targetname> - Apply light style to a particular entity's materials.
- Style Target 1 (light_style_target1)
([todo internal name (i)])
<targetname> - Apply light style to a particular entity's materials.
- Style Target 2 (light_style_target2)
([todo internal name (i)])
<targetname> - Apply light style to a particular entity's materials.
- Style Target 3 (light_style_target3)
([todo internal name (i)])
<targetname> - Apply light style to a particular entity's materials.