Template:KV Shadow:ru

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Disable shadows <boolean>
Prevent the entity from creating cheap render-to-texture shadows. Does not affect shadow mapping.
Disable ShadowDepth <boolean> (Во всех играх начиная с Portal 2)
Used to disable rendering into shadow depth (for projected textures) for this entity.
Projected Texture Cache <choices> (Во всех играх начиная с Portal 2)
Used to hint projected texture system whether it is sufficient to cache shadow volume of this entity or to force render it every frame instead.
  • 0 : Default
  • 1 : No cache - render every frame
  • 2 : Cache it - render only once
Disable flashlight <boolean> (Во всех играх начиная с Portal 2)
Used to disable projected texture lighting and shadows on this entity.