Template:KV FuncMoveLinear

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Move Direction (Pitch Yaw Roll) (movedir) <angle>
The direction the entity will move in.
Start Position (startposition) <float>
Position of brush when spawned, where 0 is the starting position and 1 is starting position + (move direction * move distance).
Speed (speed) <integer>
The speed that the brush moves, in inches per second.
Move Distance (movedistance) <float>
The distance from the starting point that the brush should move, in inches.
Block Damage (blockdamage) <float>
The amount of damage to do to any entity that blocks the brushes, per frame.
Icon-Bug.pngBug:Block damage doesn't function on players who passed through a trigger_teleport using noclip, though it will have effect again if the the player goes through a trigger_teleport without noclip.  [todo tested in?]
Sound played when the brush starts moving. (startsound) <sound>
The sound to play when the brush starts moving.
Sound played when the brush stops moving. (stopsound) <sound>
The sound to play when the brush stops moving.