Template:I visiblebrush

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|portal2=1 for Portal 2 Portal 2 inputs! |noscroll=1 to prevent scrolling!

Visible Brush:
Alpha <integer 0–255>
Sets the entity's transparency to a number from 0 (invisible) to 255 (fully visible). Requires the entity to have its Render Mode (rendermode) set to a number other than 0.
AlternativeSorting <boolean>
Swaps the rendering order of the entity. Used to attempt to fix sorting problems when rendering, for example an object rendering in front of translucent materials.
Color <color255>
Sets an RGB color for the entity.
SetDamageFilter <targetname>
Sets a filter for this entity for when it receives damage.
Allows the entity to be pushed by damage done to it (usually force amount correlates with the damage done).
Prevents the entity from being pushed by damage done to it.
EnableDraw  Template:P2 add
Removes EF_NODRAW from the entity.
DisableDraw  (in all games since Portal 2)
Applies EF_NODRAW to the entity. Note that this is different from rendermode 10.
EnableReceivingFlashlight  (in all games since Portal 2)
Makes it so that the entity is lit by env_projectedtextures.
DisableReceivingFlashlight  (in all games since Portal 2)
Prevents the entity from being lit by env_projectedtextures. The shadow made by the texture will still cast.


DisableDrawInFastReflection  (in all games since Portal 2)
Turns off rendering of this entity in reflections when using $reflectonlymarkedentities in water material.
EnableDrawInFastReflection  (in all games since Portal 2)
Turn on rendering of this entity in reflections when using $reflectonlymarkedentities in water material.


Turn dynamic shadows off for this entity. Identical to applying  EF_NOSHADOW.
Turn dynamic shadows on for this entity.
DisableReceivingFlashlight  (in all games since Portal 2)
This object will not receive light or shadows from projected textures.
EnableReceivingFlashlight  (in all games since Portal 2)
This object may receive light or shadows from projected textures.