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VPK tool for Portal 2


In the page it sais: "It is currently available in Left 4 Dead branch and Alien Swarm branch games.". But since Portal 2 uses VPKs too, doesn't it need to be added?

Please do correct me if I'm wrong. --Roelof 20:57, 20 April 2011 (UTC)

Since the SDK is not released yet, there's no official vpk.exe available for Portal 2. I wouldn't change that sentence for now, even though you could also use the vpk.exe from the other SDKs. --Barracuda 21:09, 20 April 2011 (UTC)
There is a vpk.exe included with portal 2. It can be found at: C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\bin, however, I have been trying to extract some sound files with it, and it just fails with the error: FS: Tried to write NULL file handle! --Jangofett287 16:34, 22 December 2011 (PST)
First of all, please note the question was asked a month before the SDK was released, I'm sure Roelof had already found the vpk.exe months ago. Secondly, if I understood you correctly, you're not supposed to extract things with the vpk, a vpk is like a .zip or .rar folder. If you want to extract things from a vpk use GCFscape... --Mr. P. Kiwi (Talk | Contributions) 03:53, 23 December 2011 (PST)

Command line options

Are these things even supposed to work? I can't get it to make a multi-chunk one or even do verbose output. Unsigned comment added by PluMGMK (talkcontribs) Always sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~)

Okay, I figured it out, but it's very weird. You have to add files to an already existing one in order to make a multi-chunk one, and it malforms the filenames (eg. pak01_dir.vpk_089.vpk). Maybe this should be mentioned in the article? PluMGMK 04:27, 8 October 2011 (PDT)
This definitely should be mentioned in the article. Do you have a detailed example on how to use it? --ThaiGrocer 12:33, 10 October 2011 (PDT)
Well, I did a bit more poking around, so now I know exactly what to do to make a pak01_dir VPK and set of chunks to go with it. You have to get a list of the files you want in it. The easiest way to do this is "dir /s /b *.vmt >> responsefile" in the root directory, then repeat for each file extension you have and need to VPK. You then have to open "responsefile" in a text editor and make the paths relative, so they won't be "C:\etc\etc..." inside the VPK. Finally, go "vpk -M a pak01 @responsefile". PluMGMK 03:15, 22 October 2011 (PDT)
VPK#Multi-chunk_files, everyone is always free to change whatever is in the wiki. What would the the relative path be, as an example? I'm assuming there's a third-party tool that does the repetitive list making for you. Valve automates this somehow. Unsigned comment added by PluMGMK (talkcontribs) Always sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~)


I have a minor problem for Linux Ubuntu. I'm not entirely sure if I have 32x or 64x, but either way, I have tried using the commands AND running the vpk_linux32 program. It simply doesn't do anything. Whenever I entire all the commands in the terminal, it just closes the terminal and does nothing else. Is there any advice I can ask from anyone? Unsigned comment added by JoltTheHedgehog (talkcontribs) Always sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~)


Does anyone here know a better alternative to the second script under Linux / Unix? With how I've been messing around with it, while keeping most of the code the same, is that it would start outputting the vpk into a folder (the name being exmaple. from example.vpk), but it'll only output the first file it finds in the directory, with it being empty, followed by a

/usr/local/bin/vpk: line 9: XXXXX Segmentation fault      (core dumped) LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${VALVE_LIB_DIR}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" "${VPK_LINUX}" ${*}

I've tried changing the mentioned line with slight variations for its code, but to no avail. Does anyone have a better solution for this broken variable/script? —Whatausername64 (talk) 15:21, 9 February 2019 (UTC)