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Hey, I'm wondering how you can mix textures together, like going from sand to rock with a blend, other than just a sharp line.
- With the WorldVertexTransition shader. --TomEdwards 09:04, 18 July 2009 (UTC)
Question of The Century
ok i know it obvious tat every one has seen it but haven't said a damn thing about it. well im asking.what the hell is This about?
aperently her name is Matsys. she is found under:
and ive actualy have never seen it used ANWHERE! can someone clear this up?
- Very late reply, but her name is (probably) not Matsys. matsys_regressiontest refers to a
regression test performed on the category:Material system before the Orange Box update.
Nobody publicly knows who the cat was, nor whose cat it was. If anyone knows the cat, please do tell.
— SirYodaJedi (talk) 16:09, 15 January 2024 (PST)