Talk:Menu Background Map

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It is also necessary to create background materials for your menu background .BSP. This is the image that is shown when you first launch the game, but before the background .BSP has finished loading. In Half-Life 2, this was a blurred screenshot of the background map (when recreating this, use a 30px Gaussian Blur filter). (Menu Background Map#Menu Background Material)

30px? Applied to a 512x512 image? Me thinks not. 3.0 seems more plausible. Or perhaps 30px applied to a 1600x1200 image before it's shrunk. Can anyone verify one way or the other? --Giles 03:57, 21 May 2006 (PDT)

30px on 1280x1024 before shrinking, to be precise. Adding the effect before resizing leads to a better-quality image. --TomEdwards 08:25, 21 May 2006 (PDT)

Can a 3d baxkground support HDR or is it useless to compile the map with hdr?--Bluestrike 01:19, 2 Sep 2006 (PDT)

I see no reason why background maps don't support HDR... Also, think about Lost Coast.. nope... It works? --dutchmega 15:40, 1 Sep 2006 (PDT)
Ah ok I was also wondering if it recuired a seperate loading image for HDR and LDR then, but lost coast and EP1 don't seem to use any so I guess its ok. --Bluestrike 01:19, 2 Sep 2006 (PDT)

How to made background_map for cs:s? In offline mode "Steam validation rejected"

You might be able to do this: +maxplayers 1 +map_background Blahts2do 13:51, 6 Oct 2007 (PDT)

What is the trigger?

I was wondering what could be the trigger for the change of the menu background map. I first thought it was linked to the sv_unlockedchapters command, but it looks like it's not. When I launch my mod, it loads the first background map, although I'm currently playing on the last map of the game (it should launch the fourth background). When I quit the game and launch it again, it loads yet another background, but still not the correct one. And if I relaunch it again, it reloads the first background... sv_unlockedchapters is set to 9 and my ChapterBackgrounds.txt looks like this :

	1	"background_01"
	2	"background_01"
	3	"background_01"
	4	"background_01"
	5	"background_02"
	6	"background_02"
	7	"background_02"
	8	"background_03"
	9	"background_04"
	10	"background_04"


As far as I know it's tied to the chapters cfg files in /cfg/ and the unlock chapter command..although it likes to randomize it with former backgrounds. --JakeB 14:56, 26 Sep 2008 (PDT)

This is a very good question. In a mod, it appears that unlocking any chapters beyond the first has the effect of unlocking every chapter background, which are then chosen randomly as described above. The game should check the sv_unlockedchapters count, then cross reference this with chapterbackgrounds.txt, but there must be more (or less) to it than this. Is there any way to guarantee the background map that gets displayed for a particular chapter, and any way to ensure that a particular background map will not be displayed until the sv_unlockedchapters count reaches a given level?--Fitzroy doll 10:18, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

quite overcomplicated for Team Fortress 2

TF2 background maps only need an info_observer_point with defaultwelcome set. It's much easier and I'm willing to bet probably a lot safer. FYI background01 (the old Dustbowl one) uses this. It would be nice to mention, also, that you can just boot the map in-game, look for a position, and getpos. It'll be horribly fractional, but surely most people able to use the editor are also able to do simple rounding? There are also some other issues and slight misinfo, too; I'd deal with all the things I've mentioned but I'd inevitably anger someone because I wasn't 100% consistent with the wiki. --lecsfcopeland (talk) 09:41, 6 August 2022 (PDT)