Talk:Item nugget

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FGD code

@PointClass base(Parentname, Targetname, Angles) studio("models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl") = item_nugget : "Aperture Incentivizing Nugget"
	GroupName(string) : "Group Name" : : "Giving nuggets a group name hints the game that they are intended to be a group"
	RespawnTime(float) : "Respawn Time" : 30 : "Number of seconds between when a nugget is collected and when it respawns"
	PointValue(choices) : "Point Value" : 1 =
		1 : "1"
		5 : "5"
		10 : "10"
		25 : "25"

Coding Ethan (talk) 19:31, 28 December 2017 (UTC)