Talk:Generic Keyvalues, Inputs and Outputs/Inputs

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CBaseEntity inputs not covered here:

  • SetTeam will probably be covered on a per-entity basis
  • RemovePaint only works for paintable brush entities (Portal 2)

The rest of these will be covered on Template:I BaseAnimating (yet to be made)

  • Alpha
  • AlternativeSorting
  • Color
  • SetDamageFilter
  • EnableDamageForces
  • DisableDamageForces
  • DisableShadow
  • EnableShadow
  • DisableDraw
  • EnableDraw
  • DisableReceivingFlashlight
  • EnableReceivingFlashlight
  • DisableDrawInFastReflection
  • EnableDrawInFastReflection

Pinsplash (talk) 05:40, 18 August 2018 (UTC)