Talk:Exporting a model
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SMD export checklist
Would this be a good place to include a "things you need in your SMD" checklist ? or would it be better to include each checklist in a relevant tutorial - eg "Creating a Reference model", "Creating a Collision model", etc ? --Beeswax 11:08, 5 May 2008 (PDT)
checklist examples
- For a reference model (modelname_ref.smd):
- Ensure mesh is UV mapped (preferably to only one TGA/BMP/VTF file).
- Don't forget to compile the Default Skin.vmt.
- Ensure mesh is Enveloped & Weightmapped.
- etc
- For a collision model (modelname_phys.smd):
- Ensure all meshes belong to one smoothing group (I read that somewhere ... don't know how or why ...).
- Ensure each individual mesh is strictly convex.
- Ensure meshes are Enveloped to the correctly named parentbone (in the reference model's skeleton).
- etc
- For a sub-mesh or sub-model (w_submodelname.smd):
- Ensure mesh is enveloped to - or rigged with - the correctly named parentbone (in the reference model's skeleton).
- etc
- For an animation sequence (sequencename_anim.smd):
- Ensure you're using the correctly named bones (ie the reference model's skeleton) ;-).
- etc
--Beeswax 11:08, 5 May 2008 (PDT)