Talk:Dukebags notes

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RE: Solokiller "needs to be rewritten to the 3rd person perspective, possibly even moved to the correct page(s)"

Noted. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when these notes flesh out. I did intend these as personal notes foremost, so if there is a better way to go about this, please let me know.

Thanks Dukebag

If they're strictly personal notes, they belong on your user page, otherwise, they need to be rewritten. Solokiller 08:56, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
I find it odd that most of your contributions consist of correcting others. There's no doubt that you're correct, however. I'm just a little hesitant by how forceful you are given there's no indication of your authority. If you read my page, you would understand that it is not stricly for myself, but foremost written as notes for my own recollection. The notes evidently have use for others. The fact that you replied in such a way again makes it sound like you're more interested in policing than listening. Nonetheless, I would appreciate it if you could provide any Valve links to rules/guidelines for their wiki. Alternatively, I'd like you to give suggestions given that it is not stricly personal. Thanks Dukebag
If i didn't tell you how to do this, it would never be done. The rules on wikipedia count here as well, so read up on that. Solokiller 19:47, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
Well I thank you nonetheless. Just please allow me time enough to take the notes before making them properly formatted. That way I don't go crazy about the format. No need for wiki-nazis, right? I'm hope you're there with me on this. Cheers Dukebag
I see no issue with having a page of notes until they are complete and can be distributed to all the appropriate pages. --Omnicoder 05:34, 12 April 2010 (UTC)