Talk:Dota 2 Workshop Tools/Level Design/Creating A Dota-Style Map

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In Hammer build number 6840 I can't seem to find the Input, Output, or Map Properties tabs in object properties... am I crazy?

Ok so I learned from here to use Alt+Enter to open the Object Properties dialog. Added this to the page, I assume this will change in future builds as the UI and flow doesn't seem intended.

Spawnflags also seem to be removed (or in a different place?) from this build.

What do you do with that "staging node" entity? (May 2018)

First of all, thank you, this guide is very helpful.

One thing that's confusing me is the "staging node" info_target entity it has you create. Hammer literally tells you this is "an entity that does nothing," but can be "useful as a a positioning entity for other entities to refer to." So I'm assuming there's a missing step here. After you create it, don't you have to tell the spawner or lua script or something to reference or interact with it somehow?

When I followed this, I stopped at the point where my creep spawners and creep paths were made, created the staging nodes, then ran the map to test what I had so far. I didn't put in any ancients, shops, towers, barracks, or fountains, yet.

I just wanted to test whether the creep spawning was working before I moved on to adding in the rest of it.

So the map is currently just the dire and radiant basic entities prefabs, at opposite ends of the path, the spawner entities, and the path corners, which I've set up correctly as far as I can tell, and the "staging nodes", which don't do anything?

I start it up and wait, and wait, but the creeps don't spawn. Eventually the game crashes, not sure why. Nothing's happening, so I go into the console and enter the command to spawn mid-lane creeps. Nothing happens. So then I go into the console and enter the command to just spawn creeps. The game immediately crashes.

Do I HAVE to name the spawner entities and everything else by the names the guide uses? Doesn't seem like I should have to, but, is Dota looking for those specific names and it's not working 'cause I named my spawners, "spiral_good_spawner_1" and "spiral_bad_spawner_1"

The map I'm working on is a spiral. It's a 16x16 map, so pretty small. Radiant spawns at the center at -256 elevation. Dire is up at the top at 128 elevation. Here's the mini-map:


Any help would be appreciated while I continue to tinker and test and see if I can figure out what's going wrong.

Collanaro Percalon A.K.A. Silverbell Softshadow (talk) 11:17, 18 May 2018 (UTC)


PS: I am new to all this modding stuff, haven't mucked about with scripts or anything. I mean, I used to play around with the Warcraft III World Editor, back in the day, but this is wayyyyy more complicated and far less user-friendly.

I'm just trying to get a level made in Hammer so far. Not trying to make custom artwork, models, textures, or anything like that. I just want to make different maps to play on, where I can have more creeps spawn for one side than the other, make co-operative scenarios, make some units and structures stronger or weaker. Those kinds of tweaks to make the game play differently.