Talk:Choreography creation/Creating Events/Facial expressions

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I'm not so happy with this one. There's too much text and too many buried headings. Does anyone have any better structure ideas? --TomEdwards 08:41, 14 Aug 2006 (PDT)

OK, I think I've cracked it now. --TomEdwards 12:51, 14 Aug 2006 (PDT)

When you break the rules

Yeah, huge image. Totally worth it though! Gmod 10. --TomEdwards 13:56, 14 Aug 2006 (PDT)

Discouraging head movement in flex

I dunno about this. I've made some pretty extensive and believable head movements solely through flex sliders. It's difficult, and not a task for rookies, but it can be done. Take a look to form your opinion: (this is actually an OLD version, I've been working on it a bit more since then. And yes, the "I had no choice though" is a bit fast, I realize that now) --Katana314 12:22, 26 Feb 2008 (PST)