Swarm SDK Bugs

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Hammer Bugs

func_precipitation "Particle Snow"

The func_precipitation's precipitation types that start with "Particle" do not function correctly in alien swarm when compiled. For instance, the func_precipitation type "Precipitation Snow" creates the wind effect on the ground but does not show the snow particles. The regular precipitation types however do work as expected.

Viewpoint Bug

As it happens at my Laptop (Acer Aspire 3538G, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3000 Series), it can happen after you go out of the Game, and when you turn back to Hammer, that you can't move in the Viewpoints (Front, Side, ...). Just save that map, restart Hammer and reload the map and eveything should work fine.

  • Starting the game in windowed mode keeps this bug from happening. Inside Hammer, press F9 and add "-windowed" or "-sw" to the line 'game parameters'. Fizzleblix 19:39, 26 August 2010 (UTC)

grub IO bug

asw_grub does not generate outputs for "OnDeath" and "OnDamaged".

Engine Tool Bugs

Material editor crashes when loading any material vmt