Sven Co-op.fgd/xen plantlight switch.fgd

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From: Sven Co-op Sven Co-op (sp_portal)

Forge Game Data
@PointClass size(-48 -48 0, 48 48 32 ) studio("models/light.mdl") = xen_plantlight_switch : "AS Custom Xen Plant Light" [ targetname(target_source) : "Name" target(target_destination) : "Target" HullMin(string) : "Minimum Hull Size (X Y Z)" : "-80 -80 0" HullMax(string) : "Maximum Hull Size (X Y Z)" : "80 80 32" htime(string) : "Hide Time" : "3" triggermode(choices) : "Trigger Mode" : 0 = [ 0:"After Hiding (Default)" 1:"Before Hiding" ] usetypemode(choices) : "useType Mode" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off when retracting (Default)" 1 : "On when retracting" ] retractsnd(sound) : "Retracting Sound" retractvol(string) : "Retract Sound Volume(0-1.0)" : "1.0" deploysnd(sound) : "Deploy Sound" deployvol(string) : "Deploy Sound Volume (0-1.0)" : "1.0" originEnt(string) : "Sound playback target entity" sndattn(string) : "Attenuation (0 - 4.0)" : "2.5" model(studio) : "Model" : "models/light.mdl" renderfx(choices) : "Model Render FX" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" 1: "Slow Pulse" 2: "Fast Pulse" 3: "Slow Wide Pulse" 4: "Fast Wide Pulse" 9: "Slow Strobe" 10: "Fast Strobe" 11: "Faster Strobe" 12: "Slow Flicker" 13: "Fast Flicker" 5: "Slow Fade Away" 6: "Fast Fade Away" 7: "Slow Become Solid" 8: "Fast Become Solid" 14: "Constant Glow" 15: "Distort" 16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)" ] rendermode(choices) : "Model Render Mode" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" 1: "Color" 2: "Texture" 3: "Glow" 4: "Solid" 5: "Additive" ] renderamt(integer) : "Model FX Amount (1 - 255)" rendercolor(color255) : "Model FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" angles(string) : "Model Pitch Yaw Roll (X Y Z)" : "0 0 0" sprite_model(sprite) : "Sprite" : "sprites/flare3.spr" sprite_renderfx(choices) : "Sprite Render FX" : 0 = [ 0: "Normal" 1: "Slow Pulse" 2: "Fast Pulse" 3: "Slow Wide Pulse" 4: "Fast Wide Pulse" 9: "Slow Strobe" 10: "Fast Strobe" 11: "Faster Strobe" 12: "Slow Flicker" 13: "Fast Flicker" 5: "Slow Fade Away" 6: "Fast Fade Away" 7: "Slow Become Solid" 8: "Fast Become Solid" 14: "Constant Glow" 15: "Distort" 16: "Hologram (Distort + fade)" ] sprite_rendermode(choices) : "Sprite Render Mode" : 3 = [ 0: "Normal" 1: "Color" 2: "Texture" 3: "Glow" 4: "Solid" 5: "Additive" ] sprite_renderamt(integer) : "Sprite FX Amount (1 - 255)" : 128 sprite_rendercolor(color255) : "Sprite FX Color (R G B)" : "0 0 0" sprite_scale(string) : "Sprite Scale" : "0.5" sprite_togglemode(choices) : "Toggle Sprite off" : 0 = [ 0 : "when retracting (Default)" 1 : "when deploying" ] spawnflags(flags) = [ 1: "Do not use Sprite" : 0 2: "Sprite is animated" : 0 4: "No trigger on Retract" : 0 8: "No trigger on Deploy" : 0 ] ]