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January 2024

January 2024
Format of steamvr.vrsettings
steamvr.vrsettings is a json file in the format below. To enable a key remove the // in front of the particular line. Usually only low-level programmers need to set any of these keys. This file lives in the "config" directory under Steam.
{ "jsonid" : "vrsettings", "steamvr" : { // "ipd": 0.0635, // "forcedDriver": "null", "forcedHmd": "false", "requireHmd": false, // "displayDebug": false, // "enableDistortion": true, // "displayDebugX": 0, // "displayDebugY": 0, // "sendSystemButtonToAllApps": false, // "loglevel": 3, // "background": "backgrounds/image_%d.png", (now requires fully qualified path) // "backgroundCameraHeight": 1.6, // "backgroundDomeRadius": 10.0, (0.0 == Infinite) // "directMode": true, // "usingSpeakers": true, (only works in some Unity games current) // "speakersForwardYawOffsetDegrees": 90.0, // "renderTargetMultiplier": 1.0 // ^ Make sure your last entry does not include a trailing comma (use jslint when in doubt to verify format). }, "driver_lighthouse": { // "disableimu": false, // "usedisambiguation": "tdm", // "disambiguationdebug": 0, // "primarybasestation": 0, // "lighthousename": "", // "maxincidenceangledegrees": 60.0, // "uselighthousedirect": true, // "dbhistory": false }, "driver_null" : { // drivers are searched in alphabetical order, so you may need steamvr.forcedDriver="null" as well // "enable": true, // "id": "Null Driver", // "serialNumber": "Null 4711", // "modelNumber": "Null Model Number", // "windowX": 100, // "windowY": 100, // "windowWidth": 1920, // "windowHeight": 1080, // "renderWidth": 1344, // "renderHeight": 1512, // "secondsFromVsyncToPhotons": 0.1, // "displayFrequency": 90 }, "version" : "1" }