Smartprop Filters

January 2024
Causes the parent element to only be evaluated with a specified random probability. 0.0 to 1.0 value indicating the probability of this element being evaluated. Where a value of 0 means the element will never be evaluated and 1.0 means it will always be evaluated
- m_flProbability
- Probability for the filter to pass
Allows the parent element to be conditionally evaluated base on the current surface angle. The surface angle is set based on the initial placement of the smart prop object, but can also be updated by the Trace to Surface modifier.
- m_flSurfaceSlopeMin
- Minimum slope on which the target will be placed. Slope is a [ 0, 180 ] value of the surface normal rotation from up such that 0 is a horizontal surface (floor), 90 is a vertical surface (wall), 180 is horizontal upside down surface (ceiling).
- m_flSurfaceSlopeMax
- Maximum slope on which the target will be placed.
Compares the current value of a variable to the specified value. If the comparison is false the element evaluation is stopped.
Evaluates the specified expression, if the result of the expression is false evaluation of the element is stopped.
Allows the parent element to be conditionally evaluated based on surface properties.
- m_AllowedSurfaceProperties
- List of surface properties on which this element is valid. If empty element is not restricted to any specific surfaces.
- m_DisallowedSurfaceProperties
- List of surface properties on which this element is not valid. If empty element is not restricted to any specific surfaces.

January 2024