rob5300's "ssbumpToNormal" github
How It Is Done
The Conversion Matrix in Rust
const OO_SQRT_3: f32 = 0.57735025882720947f32;
static BUMP_BASIS_TRANSPOSE: [Vector3<f32>; 3] = [
Vector3::new( 0.81649661064147949f32, -0.40824833512306213f32, -0.40824833512306213f32 ),
Vector3::new( 0.0f32, 0.70710676908493042f32, -0.7071068286895752f32 ),
Vector3::new( OO_SQRT_3, OO_SQRT_3, OO_SQRT_3 )
Converting each pixel of the SSBump Map
for pixel in pixels {
//Convert pixel colour to a vector
let rgb = pixel.2;
let pixel_vector = Vector3::new(rgb[0] as f32 / 255f32, rgb[1] as f32 / 255f32, rgb[2] as f32 / 255f32);
//Convert normal vector back to traditional tangent normal
let new_rgb = new_image.get_pixel_mut(pixel.0, pixel.1);
new_rgb[0] = convert_vector(&pixel_vector, 0);
new_rgb[1] = convert_vector(&pixel_vector, 1);
new_rgb[2] = convert_vector(&pixel_vector, 2);
The math function to convert each pixel
fn convert_vector(pixel: &Vector3<f32>, index: usize) -> u8 {
return ((([index]) * 0.5f32) + 0.5f32) * 255f32) as u8;
Note:After the normal map is generated you should invert the green channel if the map looks bad.
new_rgb[1] = convert_vector(&pixel_vector, 1);
new_rgb[1] = 255u8 - convert_vector(&pixel_vector, 1);