Command-line startup options
You can launch the SFM directly from Steam, as you would any other game. If you like, when you launch the SFM, you can use certain command-line switches, such as for loading a specific session or for loading a file that specifies certain movie settings or render settings. To do this, in Steam, right-click Source Filmmaker, click Properties, click the SET LAUNCH OPTIONS button, and use one or more of the following command-line switches:
-sfm_loadsession filePath\sessionFile
-sfm_moviesettings filePath\movieSettingsFile
-sfm_rendersettings filePath\renderSettingsFile
- filePath is the complete path of the file
- sessionFile is the complete name of the session file, including the extension
- movieSettingsFile is the complete name of the movie settings file, including the extension
- renderSettingsFile is the complete name of the render settings file, including the extension
-sfm_loadsession C:\Steam\steamapps\common\SourceFilmmaker\game\usermod\elements\sessions\Session2.dmx
SFM always launches with these command-line options, as seen with the sfm_diagnostics console command: +sv_lan 1 -useqtport -tools -dev -sw -w 1280 -h 720 +mat_hdr_level 3 +mat_queue_mode 0 -insecure
You can also use these switches in a command prompt or in a desktop shortcut.
Raising shadow map resolution
-sfm_shadowmapres XXXX
The default is 2048, possible values are powers of two: 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192.
- -cmd
- -dev
- -fakemocap
- -game - Sets the "game mod" SFM uses. The default is usermod.
- -hushasserts
- -insecure - Disables VAC protection. (Not that SFM uses it, however...)
- -min
- -mocap - Makes some mocap features in SFM appear.
- -monitortexturesize - Size of RT_camera monitor textures. The default is 256.
- -noassert
- -nop4 - Disables Perforce in SFM.
- -noqtpickers
- -noqtport - Launch SFM without the standard QT Port window, defaulting to the "classic" engine window GUI.
- -nostartwizard - SFM won't show the "New session"/"Open recent session" window when it starts.
- -nosteam - Launch SFM without Steam.
- -notools - Launch SFM without engine tools. Overrides -tools.
- -no3dviewport
- -particle_perf
- -qtresetsettings
- -qtstylesheet
- -qtvideo
- -reflectiontexturesize - Size of water reflection textures. The default is 1024.
- -rgb
- -rgba
- -sfm_autolayoff filePath\filename - requires filepath to work.
- -sfm_buildcubemaps - Loads a built-in session,
. Otherwise identical to -buildcubemaps. - -sfm_guardband
- -sfm_layoffframerange
- -sfm_layoffshotlist
- -sfm_layoffshotrange
- -sfm_loadsession filePath\filename - requires filepath and extension
- -sfm_moviesettings filePath\filename - requires filepath and extension
- -sfm_noautosave - Disables autosaving.
- -sfm_noload
- -sfm_rendersettings filePath\filename - requires filepath and extension
- -sfm_resolution - Change the maximum resolution SFM can render. You can learn more about this launch option here.
- -sfm_startup_script
- -sfmcomicmaker - Enables the unfinished comic-maker in SFM.
- -sfmscripting
- -sixense - Requires -mocap to be present to work.
- -tools
- -useqtport
- -usevgui - Allows SFM to use the "classic" engine window GUI.
- -vccon
- -vccon2
- -vguimessages