SDK Beta Changelist
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Note:3D Ray-traced Lighting Preview can cause Hammer to run slowly for complicated maps.
Changelist for current Source SDK Beta.
Current Known Issues
- Cannot create shortcuts to Hammer, Faceposer, and Model Viewer.
- Linux makefiles shipped with the SDK are incomplete and will be updated in the next release.
- The Particle Editor is not presently included in the Source SDK.
- Updated SDK shaders are not presently included in the Source SDK.
Update Jan 24th, 2008
SDK Launcher
- There is now a drop list that allows the user to switch between engine versions. No need to specify engine version as a launch option.
SDK source code
- Modders can now create single player and multi-player mods based in the HL2:Episode Two source code when the engine version is set to The Orange Box.
- It is still possible to create mods based on HL2:Episode One using the legacy version of the Source Engine.
- New menu option allows the user to build a scenes.image file. This allows users to add custom scenes to Orange Box games.
- Two new lighting preview modes are available.

Bug fixes
- Fixed crashes that began as a result of a Source Engine update the week of 1/7.
- Hammer lighting preview renders some scenes completely dark.
SDK Launcher
- The %VProject% env var is again being dynamically set when you change the current mod in the SDK launcher.
Content Creation Utilities
- There is no longer a need to add -nop4 to the command lines of studiomdl and vtex.
SDK source code
- Client and server DLLs are now being copied to mod's 'bin' directory after build.
- Create Mod Wizard now adds App IDs 420 (HL2:Ep2) and 440 (TF2) to the mod's gameinfo.txt for SP and MP mods respectively.