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"Could you just jump into that pit?"
- Wheatley

Bottomless pits are used as obstacles in Portal 2 and destroy objects and players that drop into them, just like grinders and deadly goo. They trigger a fade to black for players that fall into them.

Entities you need


Making the deadly pit

Take your Block tool Hammer block.png and make a block, with the trigger texture, in the place where you want the player's death. After that press Ctrl+T and make the it trigger_hurt. You can see many properties but we are only going to use the Damage, Damage cap (only if you have chosen Doubling w/Forgiveness) and the damage type properties.

Change Damage and Damage cap to 1000, and for Damage type to FALL.

Create an entity with Entity tool Mt-entities.png and change it to player_loadsaved, add a name like "player_loadsaved", then change Fade Duration (seconds) to 1, Hold Fade (seconds) to 5 and Reload Delay to 3, these parameters are used in official maps.

Optionally you can create a brush to destroy objects, simply copy the trigger_hurt and move it down, if you have a fog then move it just enough that you don't see the object getting destroyed, and change the class to trigger_multiple.

Set these flags to checked and the rest to unchecked:

  • Pushables
  • Physics Objects
  • Physics debris


Add this output for trigger_hurt:

My Output > Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnStartTouch player_loadsaved Reload   0.00 No

Add these outputs for trigger_multiple:

My Output > Target Entity Target Input Parameter Delay Only Once
Io11.png OnStartTouch !activator SilentDissolve   0.00 No
Io11.png OnStartTouch !activator Kill   0.10 No

The SilentDissolve input destroys cubes and fires their OnDissolved output correctly, so they can respawn. The Kill output removes other entities that ignore SilentDissolve. It is delayed to ensure SilentDissolve executes first.

If there is no output for SilentDissolve, the player won't able to get a new cube, this could lead to a soft lock in your level.

See also