PanelList cpp
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January 2024

January 2024
/////////// Copyright © 2007, Mark Chandler. All rights reserved. /////////// // // Description: // // // Mark Chandler 2007 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "cbase.h" #include "pd_panel_list.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PD_PanelList::PD_PanelList(Panel *parent, const char *name) : Panel(parent, name) { this->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); this->SetPaintBackgroundType( 0 ); this->SetPaintBorderEnabled(true); this->SetKeyBoardInputEnabled( true ); m_pScrollBar = new vgui::ScrollBar( this, "Scrollbar", true); m_pScrollBar->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_pSelImage = new PD_BasePanel( this, "SelectImage"); m_iMargen = 5; m_iGroupMargen = 20; m_iSelected =-1; m_iHeight = 20; m_iMaxSliderVal = 0; m_pSelImage->SetVisible( false ); m_pSelImage->bgColor = new Color(50, 100, 255, 125) ; m_pSelImage->SetZPos(100); m_pSelImage->AddActionSignalTarget(this); updateSize(); m_bHeaderDisabled = false; m_bShowSelected = true; m_bFixedSize = true; m_bRejectSliderMove = false; m_bPaintBg = true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Destructor //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PD_PanelList::~PD_PanelList() { } int PD_PanelList::AddPanel( Panel* pPanel, bool isSelectable) { return AddPanel(pPanel, NULL, isSelectable); } int PD_PanelList::AddPanel( Panel* pPanel, char* header, bool isSelectable) { int headId = -1; if (header!=NULL) { headId = FindHeaderUsingIdent(header); if (headId == -1) //if header doesnt exsist make it { vgui::Panel* pPanel=new PD_HeaderPanel(this, header); pPanel->SetZPos(25); headId = m_pHeaderList.AddToTail(pPanel); } } int id = FindItemUsingIdent(pPanel->GetName()); if (id != -1) return -1; pPanel->SetParent( this ); pPanel->SetVisible(true); pPanel->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( true ); pPanel->SetPaintBackgroundType( 0 ); pPanel->SetPaintBorderEnabled(true); pPanel->AddActionSignalTarget(this); pPanel->SetZPos(50); panelInfo* newPanel= new panelInfo; newPanel->iHeader = headId; newPanel->pPanel = pPanel; newPanel->isSelectable = isSelectable; int index = m_pPanelList.AddToTail( newPanel ); ResetAllChildPos(); //Msg("Scroll bar range is: %d\n", range); return index; } void PD_PanelList::ResetAllChildPos( ) { m_iSelected = 0; if (m_bHeaderDisabled) { int heightCount = 0; int iLastHeight=0; for(int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList.Count();i++) { vgui::Panel *pItem = m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel; int x,y; int tall=0; if (i <= 0) { if (m_bFixedSize) y=-1*(m_iHeight + m_iMargen); else y=-1*m_iMargen; } else { m_pPanelList[i-1]->pPanel->GetPos(x,y); } int ypos=y + m_iMargen +m_iMargen; if (m_bFixedSize) { ypos += m_iHeight; tall = m_iHeight; } else { ypos += iLastHeight; tall = m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel->GetTall(); iLastHeight = tall; heightCount += tall; } pItem->SetBounds(m_iMargen, ypos, GetWide()-m_iMargen-m_iMargen-m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), tall); } for(int i = 0; i < m_pHeaderList.Count();i++) { m_pHeaderList[i]->SetVisible(false); } if (m_bFixedSize) m_iMaxSliderVal = m_pPanelList.Count()*m_iHeight+m_pPanelList.Count()*m_iMargen+m_iMargen; else m_iMaxSliderVal = heightCount + m_pPanelList.Count()*m_iMargen + m_iMargen; m_pScrollBar->SetRange(0, m_iMaxSliderVal); } else { int maxGroups = m_pHeaderList.Count(); //Msg("maxGroups is %d\n", maxGroups); if (maxGroups==0) return; for (int i=0; i<maxGroups; i++) { //Msg("I is %d\n", i); int count=0; int heightCount=0; for (int j=0; j<m_pPanelList.Count(); j++ ) { //Msg("%d: [%d] == [%d]\n",j, m_pPanelList[j]->iHeader , i); if (m_pPanelList[j]->iHeader == i) { heightCount += m_pPanelList[j]->pPanel->GetTall(); count++; } } //Msg("I is %d, Count is %d\n", i, count); int x,y; if (i <= 0) { x=0; y=-1*m_iGroupMargen + m_iMargen; } else { m_pHeaderList[i-1]->GetPos(x,y); y += m_pHeaderList[i-1]->GetTall(); } //Msg("I is %d\n", i); int tall =0; if (m_bFixedSize) tall = (count+1)*m_iMargen + count*m_iHeight + TITLEHIEGHT; else tall = (count+1)*m_iMargen + heightCount + TITLEHIEGHT; int ypos = y + m_iGroupMargen; if (m_pHeaderList[i]) { m_pHeaderList[i]->SetVisible(true); m_pHeaderList[i]->SetBounds(m_iMargen, ypos, GetWide()-(m_iMargen*2)-m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), tall); } int lastypos =0; int iLastHeight=0; if (m_bFixedSize) lastypos = ypos + -1*(m_iHeight) + TITLEHIEGHT; else lastypos = ypos + TITLEHIEGHT; for (int j=0; j<m_pPanelList.Count(); j++ ) { if (m_pPanelList[j]->iHeader == i) { vgui::Panel *pItem = m_pPanelList[j]->pPanel; int ypos = 0; if (m_bFixedSize) ypos = lastypos + m_iMargen + m_iHeight; else ypos = lastypos + m_iMargen + iLastHeight; lastypos = ypos; if (m_bFixedSize) pItem->SetBounds(m_iMargen*2, ypos, GetWide()-(m_iMargen*4)-m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), m_iHeight); else { iLastHeight = pItem->GetTall(); pItem->SetBounds(m_iMargen*2, ypos, GetWide()-(m_iMargen*4)-m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), iLastHeight); } } } } m_iMaxSliderVal = 0; for (int i=0; i<maxGroups; i++) { m_iMaxSliderVal+=m_pHeaderList[i]->GetTall(); } m_iMaxSliderVal+=m_iGroupMargen; m_pScrollBar->SetRange(0, m_iMaxSliderVal); } } void PD_PanelList::SetSelected( int index ) { if (index >= 0 && index < m_pPanelList.Count() && m_pPanelList[index]->isSelectable == true) m_iSelected = index; } void PD_PanelList::SetMargen( int amount ) { if (this->IsProportional()) m_iMargen = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue(amount); else m_iMargen = amount; updateSize(); } void PD_PanelList::SetHeight( int amount ) { if (this->IsProportional()) m_iHeight = scheme()->GetProportionalScaledValue(amount); else m_iHeight = amount; updateSize(); } void PD_PanelList::PurgeAll( void ) { for (int x=0; x<m_pPanelList.Count(); x++) { delete m_pPanelList[x]->pPanel; } //for (int x=0; x<m_pHeaderList.Count(); x++) //{ // delete m_pHeaderList[x]; //} m_pPanelList.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_pHeaderList.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_iSelected =-1; m_pScrollBar->SetRange(0,0); m_iMaxSliderVal = 0; } void PD_PanelList::Reset() { } void PD_PanelList::OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall) { m_pScrollBar->SetBounds(newWide-m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), 0, m_pScrollBar->GetWide(), newTall); for(int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList.Count();i++) { m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel->SetWide(newWide-m_iMargen-m_iMargen-m_pScrollBar->GetWide()); } m_pScrollBar->SetRangeWindow(GetTall()-m_iMargen-m_iMargen); ResetAllChildPos(); } void PD_PanelList::OnThink( void ) { Update(); BaseClass::OnThink(); } void PD_PanelList::OnCommand(char* command) { //Msg("Panel List Command: %s\n", command); if (strcmp(command,"UpdatePos")==0) { ResetAllChildPos(); } else if ( GetVParent() ) { KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues("Command"); msg->SetString("command", command); PostActionSignal( msg ); }; } void PD_PanelList::OnRequestUpdate(const char* PanelName) { ResetAllChildPos(); //OnItemClicked( PanelName ); } void PD_PanelList::Update( void ) { if (!m_pPanelList.Count()) return; int range = m_pPanelList.Count()*m_iHeight+m_pPanelList.Count()*m_iMargen+m_iMargen; if (range < GetTall()) m_pScrollBar->SetEnabled( false ); else m_pScrollBar->SetEnabled(true); } void PD_PanelList::OnSliderMoved(int value) { if (m_bRejectSliderMove) { m_bRejectSliderMove=false; return; } //Msg("Moving to: %d [%d] [%d]\n", value, m_iMaxSliderVal, GetTall()); if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value > m_iMaxSliderVal) value = m_iMaxSliderVal; int x,y; if (m_bHeaderDisabled == true) m_pPanelList[0]->pPanel->GetPos(x, y); else m_pHeaderList[0]->GetPos(x, y); int ammount = -1*(value+(y-m_iMargen)); //stops an loop happning where moveby updates slider and makes it move again. m_bRejectSliderMove = true; MoveBy(ammount, true ); } void PD_PanelList::ResetSelected() { if (m_iSelected != -1 && m_bShowSelected) { int x,y; m_pPanelList[m_iSelected]->pPanel->GetPos(x,y); m_pSelImage->SetVisible( true ); int tall=m_iMargen+m_iMargen; if (m_bFixedSize) tall += m_iHeight; else tall += m_pPanelList[m_iSelected]->pPanel->GetTall(); m_pSelImage->SetBounds(m_iMargen, y-m_iMargen, GetWide()-m_pScrollBar->GetWide()-m_iMargen-m_iMargen, tall); } else { m_pSelImage->SetVisible( false ); } } void PD_PanelList::UpdateSelected() { // make sure selected is allways shown if (m_iSelected != -1) { int x,y; m_pPanelList[m_iSelected]->pPanel->GetPos(x,y); if (m_bFixedSize) { if (y+m_iHeight > GetTall()) MoveBy( -1 *((y+m_iHeight+m_iMargen) - GetTall())); } else { int tall = m_pPanelList[m_iSelected]->pPanel->GetTall(); //Msg("Im %d tall\n", tall); if (y+tall+m_iMargen > GetTall()) MoveBy( -1 *((y+tall+m_iMargen) - GetTall())); } if (y < 0) MoveBy( -y + m_iMargen ); } ResetSelected(); InvalidateLayout(); } void PD_PanelList::MoveBy( int amount, bool slider ) { int x,y; for (int i=0; i<m_pPanelList.Count(); i++) { m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel->GetPos(x, y); m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel->SetPos(x, y+amount); } for (int i=0; i<m_pHeaderList.Count(); i++) { m_pHeaderList[i]->GetPos(x, y); m_pHeaderList[i]->SetPos(x, y+amount); } if (!slider) { m_pPanelList[0]->pPanel->GetPos(x, y); m_pScrollBar->SetValue(abs(y-m_iMargen)); } ResetSelected(); InvalidateLayout(); } #define BORDERWIDTH 1 void PD_PanelList::Paint() { BaseClass::Paint(); PaintBorder(); } void PD_PanelList::PaintBackground() { if (!m_bPaintBg) return; int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall); vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(120,120,120,255)); vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, 0, wide, tall); } void PD_PanelList::PaintBorder() { int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall); int sw = m_pScrollBar->GetWide(); surface()->DrawSetColor( Color(0,200,255,255) ); ////draw top surface()->DrawFilledRect(BORDERWIDTH, 0, wide-sw, BORDERWIDTH); //draw bottom surface()->DrawFilledRect(BORDERWIDTH, tall-BORDERWIDTH, wide-sw, tall); //draw left surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, 0, BORDERWIDTH, tall); //draw right //surface()->DrawFilledRect(wide-BORDERWIDTH-BORDERINSTEP, captionHeight+1, wide-BORDERINSTEP, tall); } void PD_PanelList::updateSize( void ) { OnSizeChanged(GetWide(), GetTall()); } int PD_PanelList::FindItemUsingIdent(const char *pszIdent) { for(int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList.Count();i++) { vgui::Panel *pItem = m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel; if(pItem == NULL) continue; if(strcmp(pszIdent,pItem->GetName())==0) return i; //Msg("Comparing: [%s], [%s]\n", pszIdent,pItem->GetName()); } return -1; } int PD_PanelList::FindHeaderUsingIdent(const char *pszIdent) { for(int i = 0; i < m_pHeaderList.Count();i++) { vgui::Panel *pItem = m_pHeaderList[i]; //headerInfo* pItem = m_pHeaderList[i]; if(pItem == NULL) continue; if(strcmp(pszIdent,pItem->GetName())==0) return i; //Msg("Comparing: [%s], [%s]\n", pszIdent,pItem->GetName()); } return -1; } void PD_PanelList::PrintLoc() { for(int i = 0; i < m_pPanelList.Count();i++) { int x,y; m_pPanelList[i]->pPanel->GetPos(x,y); Msg("Panel %d, X:%d, Y:%d\n",i,x,y); } } void PD_PanelList::OnKeyCodeTyped(KeyCode code) { //Msg("KeyCode %d\n", code); if ( code == KEY_W || code == KEY_UP) { if (m_pPanelList.Count() > 0) { if (m_iSelected == -1) SetSelected(0); if (m_iSelected != 0) SetSelected(m_iSelected-1); } else { m_iSelected=-1; } UpdateSelected(); } else if ( code == KEY_S || code == KEY_DOWN) { if (m_pPanelList.Count() > 0) { if (m_iSelected < m_pPanelList.Count()-1) SetSelected(m_iSelected+1); } else { m_iSelected=-1; } UpdateSelected(); } //ShowSelected(); } void PD_PanelList::OnCursorMoved( int x, int y) { } void PD_PanelList::OnMouseWheeled(int delta) { delta*=-1; if (m_pPanelList.Count() > 0) { if (m_iSelected == -1) m_iSelected = 0; else if ((m_iSelected + delta) >= 0 && (m_iSelected +delta) < m_pPanelList.Count()) SetSelected(m_iSelected+delta); } else { m_iSelected=-1; } UpdateSelected(); } void PD_PanelList::OnSetSelected(const char* name) { OnItemClicked(name); } void PD_PanelList::OnItemClicked(const char* name) { int id = FindItemUsingIdent( name ); SetSelected(id); UpdateSelected(); } void PD_PanelList::OnItemDoubleClicked(const char* name) { //SetSelected(FindItemUsingIdent(name)); KeyValues *msg = new KeyValues("Command"); msg->SetString("command", "Select"); PostActionSignal( msg ); //PostActionSignal(new KeyValues("ItemDoubleClick","name", this->GetName())); } //void PD_PanelList::OnMouseDoublePressed(MouseCode code) //{ // Msg("Mouse clicked\n"); //} ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PD_HeaderPanel::PD_HeaderPanel(Panel *parent, const char *name) : PD_BasePanel(parent, name) { m_pTitleBG = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "TitleBG"); m_pTitleBG->SetFillColor(Color(255,255,0,255)); m_pTitleBG->SetShouldScaleImage( true ); m_pBodyBG = new vgui::ImagePanel(this, "BodyBG"); m_pBodyBG->SetFillColor(Color(255,0,255,0)); m_pBodyBG->SetVisible( false ); m_pTitle = new vgui::Label(this, "TitleLabel", "[title]"); m_pTitle->SetMouseInputEnabled(false); m_bNeedsUpdate = true; Q_strncpy(m_szTitle,"NULL NAME", 256); OnSizeChanged(GetWide(), GetTall()); } void PD_HeaderPanel::OnThink( void ) { if (m_bNeedsUpdate) { m_pTitleBG->SetImage( HEADERIMG ); m_pTitle->SetText(GetName()); //m_pTitle->SetFgColor(Color(0,0,0,255)); m_bNeedsUpdate = false; } } void PD_HeaderPanel::PaintBackground() { return; //int wide, tall; //GetSize(wide, tall); //vgui::surface()->DrawSetColor(Color(120,120,120,255)); //vgui::surface()->DrawFilledRect(0, 0, wide, tall); } void PD_HeaderPanel::OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall) { m_pTitle->SetBounds( 10, 0, newWide, TITLEHIEGHT); m_pTitleBG->SetBounds(0,0,newWide, TITLEHIEGHT); m_pBodyBG->SetBounds(0,TITLEHIEGHT,newWide, newTall-TITLEHIEGHT); }

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January 2024

January 2024