Operation Lambda

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January 2024
This mod needs help. See the Jobs Listing
This mod for Source is no longer being developed.
Operation Lambda is a Total Conversion modification of Half-life 2. it is set on the fictional planet of Xeros, the combine Homeworld. You play the part of a scientist called Dr.Alex Rhoza, a scientist from Black Mesa who dissapeared in mysterious circumstances.
Operation Lambda follows Alex’ journey through Xeros, the debris of Black Mesa, and players witness the beginning of the 7 hour war.
Media Releases history:
Project Leader
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
Lead Developers
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
- Anthony_Attwood (Anthony Attwood)
- λdam (Adam Sklar)
- TerabyteST (Gabriele Cirulli)
- MaxMorgon (Max Morgon)
Media Designers
Lead Media Designer: λdam (Adam Sklar)
Media Designers:
- λdam (Adam Sklar)
- Neverm!nd (Marcel Dohr)
- Anti-Garry (Oli Mays)
Voice Actors:
- λdam (Adam Sklar)
- DenDrio
- Dakarun
- FatCat (Jesse Little)
Mapping Team
Lead Mapper: TerabyteST (Gabriele Cirulli)
- TerabyteST (Gabriele Cirulli)
- Garthbartin
- Stummler (Gulliver Johnson)
- Stuntz
- Sethen
- Demonofloom
Modelling Team
Lead Modeller: Anthony_Attwood (Anthony Attwood)
- Delicious_Corn (Ivan Pidluzhniy)
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
- luckystrike (Thomas Wilkinson)
- Anthony_Attwood (Anthony Attwood)
Lead Animator: N/A
- Vaknar (Gabriel Carpreau)
- Flash-Killer (Kevin Nielsen)
- G0rdon
Lead Texture Artist: N/A
Texture Artists:
- Keresh (Tom Cynarski)
- Flash-Killer (Kevin Nielson)
- Henry (Karl August Kaljuste)
Lead Programmer: N/A
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
- Jethrosoup
Concept Artists
Lead Concept Artist: MaxMorgon (Max Morgon)
Concept Artists:
- Anthony_Attwood (Anthony Attwood)
- Ballsopt
- MaxMorgon (Max Morgon)
- Demonofloom
Researchers/Storyline Artists:
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
- Anthony_Attwood (Anthony Attwood)
- Raider7
- Createvi
- Soup
Web designers
Lead Web Developer: Shaktal
Web Developers/Designers:
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
Forum Administrators/Developers:
- Shaktal (Thomas Russell)
- Cameron:D (Cameron de Witte)